Defanged! His broken fang is gone, and I feel bad for Bobi the Bad! Daily Pet Photography - Day 577

in #cats5 years ago

Bobi the Bad

had a broken fang, for years, which didn't seem to bother him, but it bothered the vet. We finally let him (paid him!) to extract that fang. Now Bobi has a perpetual sneer. It may give him character, but he was already a character. Poor little Bobinski.

One-Eyed Blaze, the Magnificent,

@grapthar's ginger tom, and the newly One-Fanged Bobi the Bad:

.......................................Poor, pathetic little Bobi!

I'm feeling sad for Bobi the Bad,

who recently started being somewhat less standoffish, even gracing The Man of the House with a surprise visit to the man's lap:

Perhaps it was gratitude for the paper boat

The Man quickly fashioned as a consolation prize for the vet visit when Daughter said Bobi must have a prize:

Oh Bobi


by the missing fang? Should we have ignored the vet? That broken tooth had been there for years!

How did he break that fang?

We have never found out. At five months, the pound apprehended him from his life as a feral cat of the streets. The vet says Bobi had to be kicked in the face or hit by a car to have a fang break like that. We're pretty sure we remember him having both fangs, but he may have gotten his kick in the teeth sometime after insisting we let him outisde.

Someone remind me how much I hate this cat....please?


Poor little Bobi! You know you don't really hate him. Maybe he actually feels better without the broken fang. He might look like a villain in a bad western for the rest of his life, but maybe he will be friendlier. Time will tell for your janitor-level cat. At any rate, I have always liked Bobi. At least I like your stories about him. Maybe it would be different if I met him in person. Give him a scratch behind the ears for me.

"He might look like a villain in a bad western for the rest of his life"--LOL!
I love the way you remember little details like janitor-level vs Rocket Scientist IQ. All right, #Busted!-- you're right, I don't totally hate the little Big Mouth. But I promise you, if you met him in person, you'd soon want to banish him from the house.

Yeah that kitties pretty Savage for sure

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LOL!! He tries to look that way. :)

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I think Bobi the bad has a cosy spot in your heart, Carol.
It’s strange how he would break a fang. I don’t know why the vet wanted it gone unless it was infected.
Maybe it was bothering him and Bobi the bad will be in better humor now it is gone.

The vet wanted to charge $128 for the extraction, plus $200 for the anesthesia and the general tooth cleaning. -_- I swear the broken fang didn't bother him, but the totally missing fang makes him sneer. I trust pet vets and human docs less and less all the time.
A spot in my heart...? Whaaaaaat? That little pain in the ^ss has only a tiny place in my heart. I swear!

You know you love Bobi, characters like him don't come around that often... You are the lucky ones...:-)

Well, I'm glad characters like him may be the exception rather than the norm. I am mystified that humans allow these loud, demanding little mammals into their abodes! :)

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Poor Bobi. My heart goes out to him! How can you not like poor Bobi? And he;s warming up to the Man! good kitty. Cute boat too.

That cat is the most demanding, annoying creature I've ever allowed into my home. And we had two dauthers. (JUST KIDDING, girls!)
Bobi persecuted my beloved Maine Coon and I'd have rehomed Bobi, not Merlin, so he'll forever be Bobi the Bad in my book. :)

The boat. OMG. Our daughter had asked what prize we had for him, and instead of going out to buy some unnecessary cat treats, The Man made the boat. Cute, he is, and so is the boat. :)

Wait. you had to rehome Merlin? Great name for a cat btw.

Merlin arrived with that name pre-chosen. He had a wizardly look about him.
And, yes, Bobi tormented him daily. Merlin was getting to be pretty good at holding his own, after almost a year, but for that giant lion of a cat to let that little pipsqueak hiss at him and keep him out of Bobi's way... sad. Sad.
OMG, a lot of Maine Coon owners notice the white beard and name their cats Merlin! Just uncovered a few:

This one is not as Merlin-ish, but still a keeper:

Ohhhh man, this Maine Coon lives with a Bobi-lookalike!!

Oh dear a trite name for a maine coon. Who'd a thunk it?
I love maine coons, even if there's just a bit of coon in a cat. So playful and mushy and smart.
I miss my two, Seymour and Eddie. They were runts but the sweetest cats ever.

Yeah, I did not name Merlin. He was age 2 at the time, so I left it. Bobi, however, was 8 months old and the pound sent him home with the name "Kamik." The girls had vowed to name their next cat Mr. Bobinski. Which morphed into many variations.
I would miss your Seymore and Eddie, too! The one named for a town in Maine - that was yours, right? He's doing all right?

Nope wrong cat. I have calico Patches and am trying to tame a feral cat I've named Fred. I think they are both healthy. Fred is certainly putting on weight with his regular repasts now. But he can't come in the house until he lets me touch him, carry him, or there will be a ruckus with the dog Jimmy. He's a cat harasser.

Patches and Fred vs Jimmy the dog - a cat harasser - I can hear the feline #MeToo movement begin! That dog SNIFFED me!

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