From Zero to Five Cats

in #cats3 years ago

Hi Friends,

We recently went from zero cats to five cats:



The mom cat hangs around our house (even though its owners live a street over) a lot because my kids love to play with it. It recently had a litter of kittens, but kept them hidden in a wild area near our house but we could never find where she was nesting them.

Then, a few days ago now, she carried over 4 kittens by the scruff on their neck, one by one! They are about 5 weeks old, and we now have a good setup for them on our back porch where they are enjoying all the shade, shelter, food and petting they can stand. The kids have really enjoyed it of course, and the mom cat hasn't been to her owners house in days!

We aren't trying to steal any cats but when you let cats roam wild, how much can you control them anyway. So for now, we have five cats, lol.

Thanks for coming by,


Similar happened to my brother. He left the roof down to his car in his carport. The next day, as he's driving to work, he can hear meowing in the back. He thinks the mother actually gave birth in the car. LOL

Lol, that’s a crazy story!

In our house there are many stray cats that survive from house to house looking for food, at my house there is a male cat who almost every night they make noise with their distinctive voice when fighting

Yeah, they can be territorial for sure!

Cat is a holy animals in our religion. Stay happy with it.

Thanks my friend

I have too

Awesome! Good looking cats!

Thank you so much.

They will bother so many cats. My brother feeds four cats. It is very irritating. He gives a mouth whenever he sees any food open. I dislike that cat very much.

Hehe, people usually have a strong opinion on cats!

They say you can never own a cat, a cat rather owns you. So I think these cats own you for now..hehe

Yes, seems like they have chosen us, lol!

lol awesome! Similar thing happened to me!

Silly cats!

so cut cat

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