Techslut's Gang of Terrorists - Cat Photography Essay

in #cats7 years ago (edited)

Dear steemians, I'm happy to present to you 3 wonderful specimens of the  Felis silvestris catus, aka the domestic cat. These 3 fine felines are the fur babies of Ilana and Barak, they are ~15 year old and I love them dearly. I don't remember when was the first time I came to Ilana's house and what for, but I definitely remember her "Gang". I fell in love with them in an instant. The 3 are Kosh, Grey and Bit. According to Ilana Bit's name was given to her before she turned to her final form :D. Kosh was the first cat, and shortly after Bit and Grey joined. Whenever I come I mostly just tub them all over. Each of them got really different personality, and I will nickname them, explain some, and post ridiculous amount of pictures of each of them.

Kosh "The Kid"
Just look at this damn face. A classic cat. Regal. Fiery orange tubby who bags to be rubbed, all the time. He will fall at my feet and expose his tummy. At first I was cautious - it's a great known cat trap, but Ilana urged me to go with it, touch the cat's belly - and I did. And surprisingly, this is not the story of how I lost my hand! he liked it! It was magnificent. And it wasn't a single occurrence - w/e I come, Kosh will eventually find his way and present his fluffy tummy. Look at his pictures, such a brattish kid, just begging me with his eyes to be patted.

This picture is a frame stacking multi focus image, done inside the GX80 camera which I use. Very cool trick, allowing me to have Ilana in the mirror in semi focus and Kosh in the foreground, with his eyes closed.

Bonus - Tried doing low angle, the kid instantly came mewoing to me demanding to be patted

Grey - "The Broken Cat"

Look at this face. Look at his paw, reaching forward, like a mob boss. I truly believe he expects me to kiss his imaginary ring. He looks fine to the usual onlooker, but close inspection will reveal a hidden truth

You see it? No? Well how about here? He is a fine cat, but yet, he is broken. Just look at him looking at Ilana. See Kosh in the background, judging the poor broken cat. Grey is not a cat that will demand you pat him with mewoing, he will jump on your lap and you're supposed to take it from there. I decided to really give him the work as far as rubbing is concerned, it somehow I revealed his broken state. You see how is utterly deformed right? all melting on my lap... This is a cat that clearly forgot what is the proper cat form. 

Bit - "The Loaf"

What can be said about Bit? Obviously, she is a bit... well, a lot more than "Bit". She is basically a hot, furry, purring loaf. Purring is her primary form of communication, with it intensifying a signal she is happy. Or sad. Or anything. She purrs for anything. Hearing her going crazy when I rub her belly (and she is 43% belly) is definitely fun, though when she smears her eye discharge on my arm it's less fun, but with how cute she is I can live with it. Grey loves to cuddle with her (he enjoys the heat I suppose), she doesn't really like it and will hiss at Grey when he just join her, but you can often find them napping together in a ying-yang like form. Here is both of them in focus, thanks to the focus stacking in the GX80:

As you can see, she is missing an eye. IDK how that happened, but she is cute none  the less, and super cuddly. This last part can be said about all of them (Ilana and Barak as well :P), but the cats, I'll be damned if all cat's shouldn't be like them. They just love being fondled. They're the best fidget toy ever, each got his own style, but Bit's purring style is my favorite. She is like the Doge of cats. Such wow very cat!

Such grace

This is it :). Hope these images helped you to know techslut's gang of terrorists.


Wow! My cats now have a professional modeling book!!!

About Bit's eye - she was born with a deformation in her tear ducts. It's why her other eye leaks. We tried to save her eye with 3 surgeries that cost us a ton of money, but alas - the eye was not getting the moisture it needed to clear itself of debris and germs, to kept getting infected and we had to have it removed. She doesn't appear to mind.

So cute! I only have my two babies, I can't imagine a life with three around. Great maxin and relaxin pictures to see on this caturday.

Oh they are fabulous! <3
Great shots! ^_^

They are very lovely cats! Very beautiful and lucky to have someone like you loving them and caring for them. They have nice big eyes :)

They're my cats. He's just the best photographer to capture their magic.

Beautiful cats.

Kosh closely resembles my 12 year old, Alfador. All the way down to the facial expressions.
I'll be keeping a close eye on this blog in lieu of the cat content, which is my cup of tea.

Every time you masturbate God kills a kitten. Please, think of the kittens.

Some notable people who disliked cats: Napoleon Bonaparte, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Hitler.

What happened to Bit's eye? edit: nvm, techslut cleared it up.

and they look so cute! what about adding a dog? :)

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