The Rise and Fall of Gay Priesthood

in #catholic6 years ago

Homosexual acts are sinful. Homosexual thoughts are intrinsically disordered. There are many intelligent, talented men in the priesthood. Yet however effective and profitable they may be in the role of parish CEO, they don't belong in the priesthood. The priesthood requires a very well ordered mind, a thing denied to the homosexual. However charming and charismatic, a homosexual priest can only undermine the Church he loves.

Homosexuals can still serve the Church, just not through the priesthood. Why does everyone want to be priest? The job frankly sucks. Women, homosexuals and married men all clamor for the position like it paid well or had some perks. I guess we all want to preach at each other, and I guess Sunday Mass is the only place where we are bound to listen. But priesthood is so much more than a 15 minute homily every week.

Priests must be the face of Christ to the congregation and to community. A gay priest cannot represent Christ because his identity is tied to a trendy sexual deviancy, not to boring old nature. He may be able to represent tolerance, or charity, or "love", or kindness, and do it well. He can certainly represent revolutionary social upheaval, protests against inequality and injustice. But he can't represent He who founded Christendom.

A priest must be the model for the majority, not just a sympathetic ear for all the malcontents. Grace for the revolutionary is to abandon his revolution, but the homosexual dreams of endless revolution. Not content with tolerance, he demands we sit still for his scoldings. Yet gay priests drive away the faithful.

There may be a short period of success, as fag hags and trendy fashionistas pose for pictures with their pet gay priest. But sooner or later the honeymoon ends, the gossip begins and the intrinsic disorder becomes more and more noticeable. From that moment on the parish is playing with fire, just waiting for the inevitable scandal or public meltdown.

Of course we always blame mean old society, that irritating majority out there that seem to prosper by following the rules and living happy, healthy lives. But if we turn away the majority, who are we left with? Pews full of old ladies and deeply disturbed, lonely single men. Sooner or later the youngest of these deeply disturbed, lonely single men get scooped up into a seminary, where they are subjected to nonstop pro-gay propaganda, if not outright sexual abuse.

The seminarian, if he is gay-friendly enough, will be ordained. If he is openly gay he will be appointed to a prominent, highly sought-after post. Gay forward dioceses become known as fast tracks to rising in the ranks of the Church hierarchy. The problems compound until a crisis forces the Church leadership to make a change, and then the Social Justice Warriors swarm the Bishop demanding fair play for sodomites. Finally, the leadership backs off and waits for the next crisis.

Eventually the majority stop going to Mass. Again we blame mean old society, abandoning God's house to waste their free hours picnicking with their families and other cliches of Americana. Why are they not racing for seats to listen to a bombastic old homo? The reasons for refusing priesthood to homosexuals are manifestly practical. Religious communities led by women, married men or homosexuals have a history of being short-lived, marred by drama and scandal.

There is only one Church. Supernaturally vivified, She survives more or less untouched by the world; now gathering moss and barnacles; now sloughing them away as She trundles slowly through history. Not every part of the Church has survived or thrived equally, however. Religious Orders have come and gone, grown and been forgotten. Successful societies are built upon and expanded, while irregular, divergent or troublemaking sects are proscribed and pruned.

Tolerance of sexual deviancy has been tested throughout history, time and time again (such is our fervor for this sin) and each time it has failed. In contrast, celibacy has been wildly successful, even if it is currently being targeted by pop-psych ideology. Homosexuality is one of many barnacles that infect this age, and while each may attach itself to the Rock of the Faith, She won't carry them long. The faithful majority will correct Her if they must, even if it is by simply withholding their approval and attendance.


Those discrimination acts harm the reputation of religion and speeds up their decline. Fear and absurd bans from religions does not work anymore to get believers. Personally I could not care less about it, I only believe in logic and evidence. But you may reconsider your position.

About celibacy, every time I heard about a sexual abuse caused by a catholic priest I wonder if chastity obligation is related in some way.

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