Defining Birkeland Currents

in #catastrophism2 years ago (edited)

I have made what I consider to be a significant advance in my understanding of the sequence of events involved in the Ganymede hypothesis. To my thinking, the only other significant things that are still missing involve a couple of definitions which don't seem to be on the same page with each other and a couple of other questions involving use of language. In particular, I have resolved the question of where that 26° tilt angle in the Saturnian system originally came from.

The problems I am having involve definitions for Birkeland currents and Herbig/Haro objects or, as seems like a better use of language to me at least, Herbig/Haro strings.

Google provides this definition for a Birkeland current:

A Birkeland current (also known as field-aligned current ) is a set of currents that flow along geomagnetic field lines connecting the Earth's magnetosphere to the Earth's high latitude ionosphere.

It is not clear to me what relationship there might be between that and the idea that I am most familiar with, which is this:


That is, a pair of electrical currents more or less resembling a DNA/RNA string in which the two currents spiral around one another. These pairs of currents feature strong electromagnetic pinch points at the points where the two currents cross each other, which are called Z pinch points.

As per the image, such a pair of currents will typically have more than one such pinch point.

Actual Birkeland currents in space, assuming this is the definition you are using, look like this:


Another definition I have seen involves concentric tubes of electrical current. Again I'm not certain what relationship this might have to the idea that I am familiar with (twisted pairs of currents):


Herbig/Haro Strings

The electromagnetic pinch points of a Birkeland current actually do have the power to agglomerate the plasma of space into much more solid objects, typically proto-stars and stars. A Birkeland currents with such objects showing at those pinch points is called a Herbig/Haro object (I prefer to use the term Herbig/Haro string since obviously more than one object is involved). Such a string of cosmic objects resembles a string of Christmas tree lights which has been pulled taut. Most of them at least appear to be fairly straight.

The strings do not stretch to infinity. The strings shown below appears to have end caps which might be double layers or some other kind of plasma physics phenomena


Near totally straight interior section:


Another example:


The Ganymede Hypothesis involves a description of the beginnings of our own solar system as such a Herbig/Haro string. That string included our present sun roughly in the middle, Jupiter on the right side (system North), and the Saturn – Neptune – Mars – earth group on the left (system south).

The 26° angle

Again, most of these Herbig /Haro strings appear to be reasonably straight. Nonetheless, the Saturn – Neptune – Mars – earth (southern) part of our own system appears to have broken off at a roughly 26° angle from the rest of the early system. That is the part of the puzzle which I claim to have resolved here recently. A related piece of that same puzzle is the question of whether the southern system originally approached the sun/Jupiter system in a straight line (as the entire system would have originally appeared) or along some kind of a spiral path as Troy McLachlan has claimed and I do not know if Troy came up with that idea himself or if he inherited the idea from Dwardu Cardona.


Troy's idea of what happened originally still makes a great deal of sense to me.

  • The system originally formed up as a single Herbig/Haro string which was moving towards its own system North, that is, in the direction from Saturn, through our sun, and towards Jupiter.
  • Jupiter was simply never really far enough away from the sun to prevent being captured by it.
  • The sun captured Jupiter along with its moons but in doing so, was slowed in its motion towards the north, allowing the southern system to eventually catch up with it. So far so good.
  • The first humans on earth, Cro Magnon people living in the neighborhood of Australia, were culturally sophisticated but not technologically sophisticated. They did not have wheels and there is no way to believe they had space vehicles or came to earth via space vehicles.
  • What that leaves is the idea of an electrical water bridge such as you see in physics experiments on YouTube. What that requires is as follows: all of the objects of the original strang were still in a reasonably straight line; the southern system approached the sun/Jupiter system in a straight line, earth first and then the other bodies with Saturn probably last; an electrical water bridge formed between earth and Ganymede, which was on the edge of that system even as earth was on the edge of southern system; humans and other aquatic mammals transferred from Ganymede to earth and, presumably, splashed down in the Pacific Ocean; other aquatic mammals, in accordance with symbiotic relationships that were common at the time, (seeing that the humans could not survive in the Pacific ocean) shepherded the humans to Australia. All of that was a few tens of thousands of years ago. Thus the Ganymede hypothesis is basically compatible with an out – of – Australia theory.
  • The idea of transfer via a water bridge forces me to believe that the original approach of the Saturn system was in a straight path and not a spiral. I cannoty picture such a water bridge forming between Ganymede and something which was crossing the path of Ganymede on a swpiral path.
  • And then...

    Earth and Ganymede did not simply keep moving towards each other; that would have resulted in a gigantic collision which nothing would have been likely to survive. Rather the entire southern system recoiled and bounced back away from the sun/Jupiter system (same electrical/electromagnetic charges), and did this in a manner similar to what you see in the case of train wrecks, in which groups of cars that can no longer travel forwards into cars blocking them, recoil OUTWARDS so that you see angles between sections of the trains:

    The best way to picture this is to think of a train wreck:


    26-degree angle??

    Beyond that point in time, the partial Herbig/Haro string that comprised the southern system, lay at a 26° angle from the general line that had previously been the line of the entire system. That also says that when the southern system reversed and approached the sun/Jupiter system a second time, it did so on the spiral approach that Troy McLachlan had described earlier. The order in which those bodies now approached the sun/Jupiter system was probably earth first, then Mars,Neptune, and finally/lastly Saturn. Earth was captured by Jupiter and the entire sequence of catastrophes that we are familiar with, ensued.

    Again the biggest remaining question is the competing definitions of a Birkeland current.

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