---- Why do cats bring you presents ?!?!?! Another Present from Checkas The Cat ----steemCreated with Sketch.

in #cat6 years ago

It was a gift

Its a well documented phenomena that kitties like to bring their owners presents from time to time, while there is considerable speculation on exactly why they do this what we know for certain is that is happens. these presents usually tend to be form the live or once was live category, but there have been incidents of kitties being kleptomaniacs and stealing whatever they can get their little paws on.

Klepto Kitty

One of the theories for kitties bringing you presents is because cats living with you see that you have no hunting abilities, in seeing this they take pity on you as an inferior being. We have no fur, no claws, no instincts worth much for hunting, we are big and slow, dont move much.... i can see why they would be thinking that ;) So the speculation is that kitties feel that they must "look after us" since we are so unevolved and incapable of survival on our own, lol.

Another theory is that kitties feel as though they are part of the family and due to this fact they feel they must play a role in the family to "pitch in". Kitties feel that they must "provide" for the family and pull their weight from time to time, so they get out there in the real world and catch a little something something to show you they are doing their part. This can also involve leaving the presents in, on, or near something that is dear to you, like your shoes, bag, bed.... you know, just to make sure you see what they have achieved for the family ;)

Another Present from Checkas The Cat

Checkas is my family kitty... she is mostly an inside cat, but has been venturing outside for the past couple of years with some coaxing ;) She brings us the spoils of her hunts out in the wild world which is our backyard. Today we have the privilege of being gifted a lovely little lizard.

I was sitting here doing my thing on the computer and i hear a strange "meow" from over near the door and Checkas be pawing around in the corner. then i saw some movement on the floor, knowing Checkas has a tendency to bring in presents it was time to collect the little guy and set him free. from the shadows creep forward this cute little lizard, looking freaked out and uncertain of what was going on.

Checkas managed to get this lil lizard into the house completely undamaged , no tail lost, no marks, nothing.... After leading the little guy into the sunlight and tryna pick him up without causing too much stress. the little fella made his own way out over the door rail and to freedom. What a day for the lizzy , im sure he will be counting his lucky stars for making it back onto the grass and into the life lived out in the back yard.

Bonus Image: Checkas looking chuffed with her performance :)


Cats are hilarious. And Checkas is beautiful. :)

Yes they are, sometimes i wonder what they are thinking when they do stuff :) Checkas thanks you for the compliment.... by completely ignoring you, lolz. that how you know she cares ;)

As a hunter from my earliest youth, I must refute your thesis that cats feel pity on us and bring us food.

We are actually the most effective hunters that Earth has ever produced. When I am in the woods, the only things that don't run for their lives when they find I am there are mothers protecting their young - and then I run for my life! I am the apex predator in the woods, and this is not my opnion, but that of the penultimate predators out there, here being cougar, black bear, and wolf.

Cats know this about us (even if we don't). They know what's in the cans we feed them. They see that hunting is trivial for us. They're jelly, and feel inadequate.

This is why they show us their prowess, to prove they're worthy of the cans of food we provide them. They're trying to brag, and know that verminous critters are a pain when we're storing our kills, so they show they are worth their salt by dragging small woodland creatures onto our doormats.

Anger is the child of fear, and this is why there is a Grumpycat. Cats are suckups of the first order, and know where the butter on their bread comes from.

That being said, I like cats just fine. I'm less lacking in self-esteem, so I don't need to torture my kills like cats do, but I can understand their feeling of inadequacy when confronted with the sublime ability of humans to kill. The truth is we are the best killers nature ever produced. Pity the T. rex that has to face me should I have access to a pointy stick!

Well, I should bring friends in that contest =p - but that's why we're the greatest hunters in history - we're pack hunters.

well.... its not my thesis it is what has been speculated, there is also more out there than the theories i put forward they were just the most discussed, lolz.

As effective hunters as "mankind" may be, i doubt Kim Kardashian would survive if you put her out in the wild... point being that the majority of the populous does not have the "skills" needed to effectively hunt much of anything.

The long and short is that we cant know what cats think, if they think anything at all about us. it is just fun speculation and projection of the hooman condition on to the objects around us which includes our pets.

Don’t you love them, when they do that, 😂😂😂

at least we know they mean well.... but its just the execution that may be a little lacking for those weak o stomach ;)

since we are so unevolved and incapable of survival on our own

It has taken so long for the humans to finally work that one out. Now if you could just understand the tuna thing.

as in how to open a can of tuna ? lolz

We just got meow loud enough till the auto can openers take care of it!


Kitty-cats are love coated in fur with whiskers!

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