I was going to head to bed... 11-13-18 Tiger sleeping

in #cat6 years ago

We made sugarplums tonight and I guess he fell asleep with visions of them dancing in his head.

So rare for him to be on my lap, I am loath to move him. Might just nap here for a bit...

I didn't take any pictures of the sugarplums but if you have never had them, I recommend the following recipe:

They are wonderful little balls of energy and make a great snack.


So not having any idea what this sweet was, @jamethiel , I clicked and got this :

Assuming that you can see this page, is this what you made ?

Yep, that is what we made! Weird legal connection restrictions! It is the recipe published in our local newspaper.

Beautiful kitty 🐾 @jamethiel!
Tiger would look great on @dpet's
#dailypetphotography tag! :-)

Thanks for letting me know that exists!

You have been chosen by the kitteh. It is a sacred duty to be their pillow. <3

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