There will be 3 obvious manifestations when a cat "lives happily" with you

in #cat3 years ago

The cat lives with the shit shovel officer, emotionally relaxed, and full of security inside. This requires a process.

Some cats can adapt quickly, and may be able to adapt to the new environment in about 3 months.

However, there are also some cats whose living environment is very poor during the kitten stage, leaving a psychological shadow; or if the kitten has been away from the mother cat for too long, it will take more time to adapt to the new environment and the new owner at this time.

In fact, in the process of the cat and the shoveler adapting to each other, as long as the cat accepts you from the heart and recognizes you, they will have obvious performance.

In other words: If you want to judge whether your cat is happy with you, it depends on whether the cat performs in three aspects.

Snore close to you

The purring of the cat is very healing, no matter whether your emotions are sad, sad or angry at the moment, as long as you feel the rhythmic purring of the cat, your mood at this moment will immediately become quiet.

This is the happiness of the shovelers in the process of raising cats, and it is also the happiness of cats.

The decibels produced by the cat's purring are just the decibel range that can heal people's hearts and relax people.

For cats, snoring can relieve their physical pain.
Under normal circumstances, the reason why cats snore, in the final analysis, is because the cat is satisfied with the current environment, very comfortable, and very relaxed.

in other words:

Cat snoring is equivalent to a person falling asleep in a quiet environment.

When does a person go to sleep quickly? The answer, of course, is where I feel safe.

The same is true for cats.
If you find that your cats are approaching you every time, or when you just pet them, they will start purring.

Don't hesitate at this time, hold the cat and push it hard for a while.

After all, the mood of a cat is like the weather, but it can change quickly.

"Very perfunctory" about eating

Have you fed a stray cat?

After you feed a stray cat, you will be able to understand what a "hungry cat" is.

Stray cats eat food completely. If you encounter a stray cat that has been starving for a long time, you will find that they eat directly and swallow it without chewing.

Even a stray cat that is often fed by people, they eat very quickly, and they don't seem to enjoy the taste of the food.

In fact, this is the stray cat's desire for food, they are very insecure.

In the minds of stray cats, they think:

"I want to eat more. I don't know when to eat the next one after I have eaten it, but I can't waste it."
And this kind of situation is rarely seen on pet cats in the house, unless your cat has been starving for several days in a row.

Because pet cats are treated as pets and treated as a member of the family.

There is no shortage of food, and there is no shortage of delicious food, so pet cats have no idea about "starving".

Even if you open a can to it, they will not gobble it up, but stop naturally when they are full.

When they are hungry, they will eat a few bites perfunctorily, and they don't even bother to look at the food when they are not hungry.

This shows what?

It can only show that the cat's life with you is very happy.

Cats often "do not bury shit"

"Shoveling shit" is a skill that cats must learn from their mother after they are born.
When the cat's ancestors lived in the wild, in order to avoid natural enemies and cover their own odor, they must cover all their excrement. The purpose of this is to prevent their own odor from dispersing.

Therefore, until now, cats still develop the habit of shoveling feces, and cats seem to like this method very much.

But as the cat's trust in the owner deepens and the sense of security deepens, the cat shoveling shit has become casual and perfunctory.

Even in many cases, after a cat has a bowel movement, he shovels carelessly a few times and it's done.

Some cats have given up the act of shoveling shit.

All this shows that the cat is living with you and has completely forgotten "being prepared for danger in times of peace".

I don't know if the shit shovel officer should be fortunate or annoyed.

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