Crossing the Rainbow Bridge - Zoe's Story

in #cat6 years ago


Just a few weeks shy of 17 years ago a friend of mine took in a stray cat. He was a rough guy on the outside, but a huge softy on the inside (as tough guys often are). And he knew nothing about cats, so he called me for help.

She was the coolest little thing. She was friendly and funny and adapted immediately to her new home in my friend's apartment. She ruled the place instantly; so he called her Queenie. And this Queen was just days away from delivering kittens.


I was there for the birth, and as soon as they were able to leave mama, I took one of the kittens home with me. The one that looked most like Queenie caught my attention. I can't remember what I was reading at the time, but it was some fiction regarding ancient Greeks. I named her Zoe

Means "life" in Greek. From early times it was adopted by Hellenized Jews as a translation of EVE. It was borne by two early Christian saints, one martyred under emperor Hadrian, the other martyred under Diocletian. The name was common in the Byzantine Empire, being borne by a ruling empress of the 11th century

Zoe just fit her. She was very tiny and so full of life. You know, the kind of kitten that you'd find hanging by the claws from the curtain because she was chasing a fly. She didn't walk, but rather pounced about the house in a cute little sideways hop thing she always did.
She was the epitome of life


Playful and curious as cats often are, it was common to find her sitting in strange places or caught in odd predicaments or postures. She ran up Christmas trees to perch herself inside. Once she came flying up the stairs from the basement with a bird in her mouth. Still to this day I can't figure out how that happened. She never went outside and no doors or windows had been opened.


She's a trooper, my Zoe. In the past 17 years we've moved from Arizona to Illinois and from Illinois to Las Vegas. She traveled both moves like a champ. We've been through marriage and divorce. She was there for the loss of my ex's cat. She was there for us brining home our first puppy 9 years ago. And another puppy just 10 months ago. She always preferred being the only pet in the house, yet tolerated the others. But always with the hint of the Queen in her. She stood taller than the other cats, although she was tiny (6 lbs at her biggest). Size didn't matter, she'd always find a perch somewhere.

Zoe & Q in bedroom 012_WEBedited.jpg


She was born in March 2001. I had just turned 27. Monday I turn 44. She was there for all of it. My entire adult life. And this week I made the decision to help my sweet, sweet Zoe cross the rainbow bridge. Choosing to end a life that did nothing but enrich mine. She was a naughty little cat. She clawed things she shouldn't, she tormented the dogs with her little attempts at shadow boxing and face swiping. She was demanding and attention needy. She was funny and she was sweet.

And I Loved Her With All My Heart

And when I said goodbye, I knew with all my heart this was the right thing to do. She'd given me so much joy in my life and it was clear there was little joy left in hers. My little naughty kitten that exuded life and playfulness was no longer visible. Her last moments were peaceful. She was held and rocked and loved. Sleep well my sweet baby girl.


Cats - again 001_WEBedited.jpg

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So sorry for your loss. What a beautiful baby she was. Sending ❤️ to you.

Greetings from #thealliance family member

Thank you @thekitchenfairy. She was a sweet little girl

Losing a pet is incredibly difficult and painful. Your tribute to Zoe is beautiful.

I see cat,
you mention Greeks,
and you's you - so 100% it is! <3
If only it wasn't that sad :/// I understand how she was family... When my father died, his cat was meowing differently - can you believe it...? I love cats even though I never had one - like, in the house.
And I don't believe what they say that they're all bitches. It depends on the cat, same way it depends on people how different they are...
Keep this memory alive forever - and if there's a cat heaven, I'm sure she's already there <3 <3 <3 <3


They have little personalities just like people do <3

I totally believe that <3

What a beautiful tribute to a gorgeous cat. We have had several cats in our lives (as well as dogs) and they are such a fabulous part of our families. I am so sorry for your loss, but so glad that you had each other in your lives. <3


I love the way you write and your emotions just appear on the page.

Thank you so much.
She was family. And just always there, you know? It’s beena weird two days here without her.

The first days are especially hard. I hope you can find a lot of peace this week. <3

Oh! So sad. Yet so sweet. I love cats. I had to help one of mine transition last year. The love lives on, and kitty heaven must be a good place, but it's such a hard loss. Big love to you!

Thank you. <3

Awwn. She's cute. I thought i wouldn't cry when i lost my cat. Actually. My father gave her away. He didn't like cats

They have a way of touching our lives in a genuine way that you don't always find with people. Sorry about your cat

I am so sorry for the loss of your little darling.

Thank you. It was hard, as I'm sure you can imagine. And life is just off now. It's only been a day and a half but I keep finding myself headed towards her bowl to fill it, or wondering where she is. Life will be different now :(

I love pets and if I raise them, it is a wonderful thing, but when I lose it will be difficult to greet you for that

She was so beautiful and really lucky to have you as a human family! Hugs

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