Goodbye Fidel Castro... Genocide, thief, dictator and human rights violator.

in #castro8 years ago

Hi steemians, i'm not really used to write this kind of things which annoy me a freaking lot, but this one deserves a special letter.

Fidel Castro... Leader of his own communist regime in Cuba for the past 60 years. 

I've seen a lot o people (Even the bloody presidents... Total shame) here in south America claiming that he was a type of hero who "had fought for dignity and social justice" since his regime (ruthless dictatorship) had begun. 

Here in Venezuela, Chavez and Maduro had always been friends of the two Castro brothers, and when Raul on TV said that Fidel was finally dead, Maduro decreed 3 days of mourning in honor to his beloved friend.

What honor deserves a person who took away all kind of liberties from his own people? What kind of honor deserves a person who killed a lot of innocent people for thinking different to him? 

Something that has really annoyed me that last days was the people claiming that he was looking for "social justice".

Let's be clear in this point, in communism, the first thing to lose is the dignity and, of course, the "social justice" doesn't exist at all. 

The three individual rights are: life, liberty and property. Only those 3, you don't have to count to many. 

Let's mention the first one, right to life: Do you have any idea of how many people has died so far in Cuba because of Castro's dictatorship? He has been there since 60 years ago, I don't really know the exact number, but i'm pretty sure there were too many. 

If you were Cuban and wanted to live, you have to think the same way as him even if you didn't like the freaking communism, and if you have said something against, you were probably dead or in jail.

It's not a coincidence that many Cubans in the US celebrated a lot when they found out that Castro was dead, those people had to runaway from there, as many Venezuelans are doing right now before it's too late. 

Ok... Let's go with the second one, right to liberty: Communism are always looking for people to think and act the same way, with no exception. What the fuckin hell is this? People will never do this voluntarily, NEVER! 

We are thinking beings, we all have a independent mind. Why do I have to sacrifice my own desires in order to make another one happy? Why the fuck do I have to accept to earn the same amount of things like a lazy bastard? 

Humanity has advanced because people are always looking for wealth, for their own benefit. Imagine working to get nothing from it, that could be very very frustrating.

Well, the Cubans has been doing this for so long.... Even many of them have died inside Castro's regime. What is the meaning of life if you don't have the liberty to do or think whatever you want (without damaging people)? What's the meaning of life if someone else forces you to do a work which you don't even like or you're not even good at? 

Finally, let's finish with the third one, right to property: The right to property is not only about the car or the house. This right starts with your own body. 

Communism takes away all kind of property, you are always working (even if you don't want to) for anyone else's benefit, and not yours. 

Even if you work harder than other, you can't have more than him, what you produce is always equally distributed (The only private property that is okey, is the one where the dictators live in of course). 

They take away any kind of option for you to profit in order to make you as dependent as they can on them, also making you lose all your dignity (In Venezuela we make large lines to get some food, in Cuba is something similar). 

The difference between Venezuela and Cuba, is that in Venezuela we put voluntarily Maduro and Chavez at the presidency, a terrible mistake.

One of the things that really annoys me the most is when the people believe their speech, they claim to be the "saviors" who are going to save everyone from the hands of "wild capitalism" and people don't realize that they are doing that so that they can take away all kind of freedom and power from the citizens in order to perpetuate in power. 

Fidel Castro died at 90 years old, he died so quiet, so rich (because what Cubans produced, always went to Castro's hands) and never paid anything for what he had done since 60 years ago. It's pretty unfair from life, isn't it? 

So i'm really glad that bastard is finally dead, i'm happy for all Cubans by now, even though the dictatorship isn't over yet, but it is closer to the end. 

Raul remains at power, but time is always ruthless when it's doing its job. 

Both brothers don't deserve the admiration of thousand of people, and it's really shame that many presidents said he was a hero "social justice and dignity's fighter". 

Communism is a total inhuman thing, those who support Castro are in favour of his atrocities.

The image was taken from 


hats off castro .........
upvoted this excellent writing :)

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