How to recognise a reputable online casino

in #casino3 years ago

Earning money on the internet is the dream of many people. If this is also feasible with poker or other games, all the better. Online casinos offer the opportunity to do this. In this article we tell you what you should look out for and which online casinos are really reputable.

  1. no more dark arcades
    Some time ago, if you liked to gamble, you had to go to the dark and uninviting arcades. There, you could usually choose between different machines and try your luck in order to go home with full pockets. However, these halls were also always loud, garish and uncomfortable. That has changed with increasing digitalisation. Today, you no longer have to go outside to indulge in gambling. Instead, it is very easy to do so on your PC at home. Online casinos make it possible and they are becoming more and more popular.
  1. don't fall for rip-offs
    If you google online casinos on the internet, a multitude of results will jump out at you. However, the majority of these casinos are unfortunately not particularly reputable. This poses a number of risks and problems. The first ones become apparent when you register. Of course, you have to enter your personal data in order to register. However, you don't find out what happens to the data and whether they are sold on. Often the general terms and conditions, in which the handling of your data is stipulated, are so vague that you cannot find answers to these questions there either. The biggest problem with dubious online casinos, however, are the algorithms that replace the dice from the real game. With dubious providers, these pre-programmed algorithms can be manipulated so that you have no chance at all of winning - no matter how much luck and skill you have. To save yourself this trouble, you should inform yourself carefully before playing and only get involved with reputable online casinos.
  1. what you should look out for in online casinos
    The risk is high to fall for the scam of providers who lure their victims with the promise of high winning numbers. Nevertheless, there are ways to filter out reputable online casinos among the many black sheep. All you need is a little patience and time. We have compiled the most important questions for you, with which you can distinguish trustworthy from dubious online casinos:

Question 1: Are licences available?
Before you register with an online casino, you should first find out whether licences are available. After all, as a gambling business, every casino is subject to state supervision. Online casinos are also subject to state supervision. Therefore, they must also have a gambling licence. This should come from a European country so that it is really reliable - but preferably directly from Germany.

Do your research carefully before you play for money in an online casino.

Question 2: Where is the company headquarters?
In addition to the licence, the registered office of the online casino is also important. It should be located within the European Union. For various reasons, this is usually the Mediterranean island of Malta. So don't worry if the company address is from there. If, on the other hand, the company is located outside the EU, you should keep your hands off the provider. Especially with casinos based in South America or the Middle East, you will not find the standard of European consumer protection.

Question 3: Are there any fees to pay?
You want to start a game in an online casino? Then first find out whether hidden fees are waiting for you. Costs could be incurred, for example, for deposits and withdrawals. If it is a reputable online casino, this service is usually offered free of charge. But other costs can also indicate that it is a dubious company. For example, registration should be free, as should account management. If this is not the case, you should question the casino in any case and look for another one.

Question 4: What payment methods are available?
If you want to play online games of chance, you cannot avoid choosing a payment method. After all, a stake is often required in order to be able to start the game at all. You also want to specify an account to which the possible winnings will be paid out. Always check whether you can pay with Paypal in the online casino. This payment method gives you some legal security and allows you to transfer money quickly and easily - even on your mobile phone. It is very easy to use. Log in to the respective online casino and enter the payment amount in the cashier area and Paypal as the payment method. You will then be redirected to Paypal and asked to enter your login details and the payment is made.


Basically, everything new is not necessarily bad. However, you are better advised to trust established operators - especially if they are on the stock exchange. Investors and the stock exchange supervisory authority give you additional security in this context.

Question 5: Who is the operator?
If you want to try your luck with an online casino, you should definitely check which company is actually behind it before you start. Here, too, the devil is in the detail. There are operators who have been in business for decades and are also successful on the stock market. In contrast, however, there are also online casinos that are still very new and are only run by a few employees. Think carefully about whom you place your trust and possibly your money in.

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