
in #cartoons4 years ago

People were unwilling to wear shock collars for many years now. But Covid Shock Collars, oh, no problem, where do I sign up? I don't want to be a slave. But a Covid-Free Slave, no problem. Mastodon suspended my account today for no reason given. Pray God gives Trump critical wisdom. Big decisions must be made these next several days, these last several days. 40-foot Club-K shipping containers have missile and rocket launchers hiding inside them. These containers are running around the country like invisible minefields. These rockets make whatever North Korea Rocket Man had look like twigs. Pray Trump, military, congress, and others, are not too distracted by China to deal with China. That's right, while China threatens to attack us, they're also promising to attack us in another way by installing Biden. There are some paths to victory since Trump won in 2020. But please pray for all of them, big decisions must be made in the next several hours as we countdown to the death of America. They have an opportunity to reverse the Titanic. We need to stay home and pray. Please share this everywhere.

Sabotaging Stop The Steal

Too many lawyers and others sabotaged the legal arguments. I'm not even a lawyer and I'm beginning to see the problems. Rudy may have been one of the guys giving the team bad advice, procrastinating on things, etc. There is at least one case being extended to Friday, 2 days after a fake inauguration of Biden. The Supreme Court is being complicit to actual insurrection, and military will soon join them possibly. There are thousands of missiles hiding in these containers. They may be launched soon. Many are pointed at the power grid, key infrastructure points in order to cripple America and in order to prevent military from stopping China who is scheduled to install their puppet, Joe Biden. All of is a distraction so they can quietly install Biden who works for China and not for America. That is why we must pray for a lot of wisdom. China is preparing to launch missiles at nuclear power plants in order to have the wind spread the radiation to large cities all over America. This is to distract military as China installs Joe Biden, our first Unelected Puppet King of the United States.

2021-01-18 - Monday - Weekly Photos - 338pics | Video

Pawns of War

My Open Letter to Military

Military Are Required to Protect Her

FBI Black Hats Thinks You So Stupid

Should The Military Fail To Abide By The Oath of Allegiance


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2021-01-18 - Monday

Oatmeal Daily - 2021-01-18 - Monday | Published in January of 2021

Trump, Swamp, Biden, Harris, Up Sleeve, Final Hours.jpeg

Will military save us?

Trump Pelosi Love ErgMoZGVQAErIgS.jpeg

Trump Pelosi Love

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Directory | Timeline | Accounts | Categories | Channels | Communities | Groups | Topics | @JoeyArnoldVN | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @OatmealJoey

YouTube is banning this video, he was giving Trump information, the people around Trump were actively hiding info from him, lying, there is a legal path to victory, the election was stolen in so many ways, big tech doesn't want you to watch this.


Too many lawyers and others sabotaged the legal arguments. I'm not even a lawyer and I'm beginning to see the problems. Rudy may have been one of the guys giving the team bad advice, procrastinating on things, etc. There is at least one case being extended to Friday, 2 days after a fake inauguration of Biden. The Supreme Court is being complicit to actual insurrection, and military will soon join them possibly.

Pray God gives Trump critical wisdom. Big decisions must be made these next several days, these last several days.

We are hitting a major climax in world history, let me not spoil how this movie ends, get out your popcorn.

The FBI is making up imaginary conservative groups like the Liberty Boys and the Anti-Proud Boys. They're doing this because the real patriots are not falling for it. Leftist actors will pretend to be Trump supporters these next few days in order to frame and trap them.

Also, they'll try to initiate Operation Martyr which involves assassinating Biden, blame it on the National Guards in order to ban all conservatives from being allowed to join the military ever again.

China can shoot missiles at Americans via satellite-controlled shipping containers which can be found all over America and that is why they're putting Patriot Missile Batteries in Washington DC for the inauguration of Biden on Wednesday, in order to intercept the rockets. Expect some fireworks.

China has access to shipping containers and can fire missiles from them remotely even as they're being shipped on ships, airplanes, trains, trucks, you name it, these containers are all over America and China has them pointed at key places in order to cripple the American infrastructure, and that is why we may be getting power blackouts any day now. Military has the opportunity to be heroes as we face this communist invasion.

40-foot Club-K shipping containers have missile and rocket launchers hiding inside them. These containers are running around the country like invisible minefields. These rockets make whatever North Korea Rocket Man had look like twigs. Pray Trump, military, congress, and others, are not too distracted by China to deal with China. That's right, while China threatens to attack us, they're also promising to attack us in another way by installing Biden. There are some paths to victory since Trump won in 2020. But please pray for all of them, big decisions must be made in the next several hours as we countdown to the death of America. They have an opportunity to reverse the Titanic. We need to stay home and pray. Please share this everywhere.

These shipping containers are being spotted in Walmart parking lots. I would investigate Walmart's connection with China. If these missiles end up killing people, that would make Walmart not only complicit but also an accessory to murder or even mass genocide. Ironically, all of this is a distraction from what's happening on Wednesday.

There are thousands of missiles hiding in these containers. They may be launched soon. Many are pointed at the power grid, key infrastructure points in order to cripple America and in order to prevent military from stopping China who is scheduled to install their puppet, Joe Biden. All of is a distraction so they can quietly install Biden who works for China and not for America. That is why we must pray for a lot of wisdom.

China is preparing to launch missiles at nuclear power plants in order to have the wind spread the radiation to large cities all over America. This is to distract military as China installs Joe Biden, our first Unelected Puppet King of the United States.

Christopher Columbus is American because America is not a place, it's an idea. Therefore, he is allowed inside the National Garden of American Heroes.

Pray for military as they deal with missile attacks all over America. Pray that the military is not too distracted with that to have time to deal with foreign nations who were involved in meddling in the 2020 U.S. Election. We are in a very tricky situation in world history right now, anything can happen these next few days both good and bad. Please pray and please share this.

Hillary Clinton is probably calling up China, "Please turn off the lights in America, they're really close to showing the world all of my dirty emails." Cue the famous song, Turn Off The Lights.

China has been engaged in acts of war with America. Democrats have been taking money from China which disqualifies them from being allowed to hold office in government.

Please watch the illegal inauguration of Joe Biden this Wednesday with a lot of popcorn, be ready for anything, this is history in the making, mark my words on that.

EMP attacks are imminent as a reaction to what is happening. Stay inside, watch out for emergency alert updates these next few days, anything can happen, false flags will be blamed on patriots, power plants may blow up thanks to China, leftists may riot when they see military arrest Biden. Military may have to battle with FBI black hats. People will die. It will be bloody. You must prepare people for anything these next few days. Prepare for blackouts. Prepare for all kinds of disasters.

Leftists have been radicalized in places like Somalia, China has been providing the weapons, Soros has been providing the funding, media and big tech has been covering it up, censorship, deplatforming, and FBI black hats are actively framing patriots for the 20th of January of 2021 similar to the trap they laid on the 6th. China has been engaging in acts of war with America, Democrats have been receiving funding from the CCP which violates the 14th amendment meaning military is allowed to remove them.

China is involved in acts of war with America and is funding politicians which violates the 14th amendment.

A guy on Twitter said he was a Navy veteran. He called me a domestic terrorist for warning people about FBI black hats and China.

DNI Chief John Ratcliffe released a report that explains that China tried to interfere in the 2020 election in favor of Joe Biden for whom they own lock, stock and barrel, which is a 14th amendment violation which bars Biden from holding office.

Military are required to remove Biden and Democrats because they violated the 14th amendment, meaning they engaged in active sedition with the Chinese Government. They were even handsomely rewarded for colluding with China, an act of actual treason.

If an alleged Trump supporter has blue hair underneath their MAGA hat, ummm, yeah, probably not a Trump supporter, so yeah.

NSA has the proof. China has aggressively engaged in the following types of warfare with America : cyber, biological, information, and soon to be potential kinetic warfare. Pray God sets the Chinese people free from CCP tyranny.

What kind of extremist are you?

The first world war on American soil since 1776. Stay in your house. Don't interfere. Please share this. When fake news says patriots are burning down cities, you must let people around you know patriots are staying home which means whoever is out there causing trouble are not patriots. Everyone must know this before it's too late.


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.


You Cannot Watch Forbidden News

People were unwilling to wear shock collars for many years now. But Covid Shock Collars, oh, no problem, where do I sign up? I don't want to be a slave. But a Covid-Free Slave, no problem.

Election News

We can stop the steal and save the republic one oatmeal at a time

Election fraud cases

Too many lawyers and others sabotaged the legal arguments. I'm not even a lawyer and I'm beginning to see the problems. Rudy may have been one of the guys giving the team bad advice, procrastinating on things, etc. There is at least one case being extended to Friday, 2 days after a fake inauguration of Biden. The Supreme Court is being complicit to actual insurrection, and military will soon join them possibly.

Shipping Containers

05:48 PM

There are thousands of missiles hiding in these containers. They may be launched soon. Many are pointed at the power grid, key infrastructure points in order to cripple America and in order to prevent military from stopping China who is scheduled to install their puppet, Joe Biden. All of is a distraction so they can quietly install Biden who works for China and not for America. That is why we must pray for a lot of wisdom.

China is preparing to launch missiles at nuclear power plants in order to have the wind spread the radiation to large cities all over America. This is to distract military as China installs Joe Biden, our first Unelected Puppet King of the United States.

Pray for military as they deal with missile attacks all over America. Pray that the military is not too distracted with that to have time to deal with foreign nations who were involved in meddling in the 2020 U.S. Election. We are in a very tricky situation in world history right now, anything can happen these next few days both good and bad. Please pray and please share this.

Lockdown News

Covid Pandemic Lockdown is murdering millions to billions of people


2021-01-18 - Monday - 11:57 AM
Suspended on Mastodon.social, found out at this time.
Mastodon suspended my account today for no reason given.

12:30 PM
Alex Jones stopped and saved most of the people away from the capitol on the 6th of January, you can watch the videos and see Alex letting them know it was a FBI-trap to bring down Trump.

Over a million people came to Washington DC on the 6th of January, over 95% were not only peaceful but didn't see any violence done by FBI and Antifa who were actively framing patriots similar to what they're doing these next few days.

Q was like Pharisees, would do bad but then nit-pick on so many things.

Washington DC has walls just like some of the worse tyrannical governments in the world, the swamp is a sea of monsters, it makes me sad that America has fallen like Rome.

You need hope but you also need to look the nightmare in the face. You need to stop waiting for others to do what you can do. Too many people die too soon without reaching their true potential in life. America is truly collapsing, democracy has been hijacked by foreign enemies. Military has betrayed us. Soldiers are actively violating the constitution. Worse off, the Supreme Court is doing the same or worse.

Satanists have taken over America, have kicked out the elected President of the United States, this is a foreign takeover.

Covid News

You can defeat Covid and other things via essential vitamins

People were unwilling to wear shock collars for many years now. But Covid Shock Collars, oh, no problem, where do I sign up? I don't want to be a slave. But a Covid-Free Slave, no problem.

Over 500 people are dying from the Covid Vaccine in 2021 in America already. The cure is essential vitamins as opposed to RNA Manufacturing of the very disease you claim to be eliminating.

Oatmeal English

Learn English You Can Eat: Communication is Fundamental

Oatmeal High Council

Telegram Chat | Phone App Version | Web Browser Version

10:43 PM
If you see military, walk away. Everyone must stay away these next few days.

Oatmeal Health

You Are What You Eat: Natural Remedies

Over 500 people are dying from the Covid Vaccine in 2021 in America already. The cure is essential vitamins as opposed to RNA Manufacturing of the very disease you claim to be eliminating.


Follow and contact me on Facebook @JoeyArnoldVN

Leftists were turned into Sleeper Cell Agents as seen in Joss Whedon's Dollhouse, they were radicalized, aided & embedded, pray for military who must have wisdom with all of that and with FBI black hats and China. It's a roller coaster, a jungle.


Follow and tweet me on Twitter @greenoatmeal

11:35 AM
People need Trump to understand why Assange and Snowden should be pardoned, for the samew reasons Roger Stone was pardoned.

12:10 AM
Luke Rudowski - Twitter

If we are going to celebrate #MLKDay we should also acknowledge that the U.S government was found guilty conspiring to kill MLK in a court of law.

They also spied on him, spread fake news about him while trying to undermine him every step of the way, FYI.

Scott Adams

Is it too soon to impeach Biden for inciting a mass immigration crisis? Worst start for any president.

Project Veritas

01:25 PM

Vijaya Gadde, head of legal, policy and trust, Twitter, attacks Free Speech

Navy Veteran Blocked Me

07:50 PM - Twitter

The guy @BravoZulu5602 reported me and blocked me for warning everyone about China and FBI black hats. He said I was the domestic terrorist for mentioning leftists who engages in that kind of stuff.

AJ Griffin - Twitter
This isn’t republican vs Democrat. It’s globalist elites trying to enslave the entire world.

Digital Soldier For God
When we homeschooled our son from K-12, we couldn't afford it. We did it anyway. God provided because we honored God and our son.


Watch and chat with me on YouTube @JoeyArnold7

It must have been the Pentagon who intercepted a CCP plan to kill off the top US. Military Generals, probably in the last few days, meaning it's not so much that they're Pro-Trump, ahaha, it is more that they don't want to die when Biden lets Chinese military to come through open borders to take out the top military officials as a show of force. Also, it seems that Trump was recently shown the proof that China and other countries were involved in Election Meddling.

Other Websites

Write to me on other sites

Trader Joe Shirt

12:50 AM - Hive
Get your Trader Joe's Shirt. It has some of the flag of the countries our First Unelected President (Biden) has sold our former republic, now empire, to, countries like China, Iran, etc.

Pawns of War
Military, police, law enforcement, are the political arms of aspiring control freaks of the higher heights of reality.

URGENT: Please pray God protects military these next few days, pray that the fire of God comes down on the military, for their eyes to open. Please pass this on.

Watch Comments

See the Watch Log for more info


2021-01-18 - Monday - 02:07 AM - 03:00 AM - Vikings 620

2 kings negotiate not a peace treaty but a parting. Iva decided to retreat as opposed to striking them. Meanwhile in Alaska, they talk to Floki who is losing his mind and his memories. Guy tries to find gold, kills an Indian, they give him back to the Vikings to be punished. The one guys eyes turned blue which Indians believe means danger. Iva dies in battle while pretending to be the great Iva the Boneless and he did some fake fighting. They sentence the guy to death, he slit his throat. The female Indian chief said to the woman Viking, when we said you can be here with us, we didn't mean you could possess it or own it. It was a reference to the gold that one man wanted that ended up getting him executed. Indians sort of believe in communism or something else. Indians actually do own the land they live on but pretend they don't. That's the odd thing about it. They're not honest about their relationship with the land and they could be unaware of that logical incongruency. It's a fallacy. You were welcomed here but not welcomed to possess the land. What a lie.

Iva's one brother becomes a priest or a Christian and renamed the name of the best friend of his father who was a Christian. He will probably go on to write Viking history. The other brother is in Canada, no Alaska, with Floki who still sees Ragnar in his dreams asking for new boats and he is always like, "Ragnar, what do you need another boat for, you're dead?" The two sit there in Indian quilts or blankets on the beach of a sunset or sunrise, roll the credits and theme song teaser. That is the end of season 6 and probably the finale of the series. Not that it couldn't go on and on. I guess Iva wanted to die in battle, the same with the oldest brother. The two other brothers continue live with their children. Not sure if the oldest son had any kids or not but Iva got a girl in Russia pregnant which is good I guess and she looked like his former wife who he had to kill a long time ago I guess. Same actress I imagine. For a while, I thought it might have been the same character but I guess not. I'm not sure how accurate to actual history these 6 seasons has been.

Full of Shit

11:26 AM - LIVE OWEN KNIGHT AND MR JONES Go to see Alex Shroyer

Death of Christians up so much in recent years when compared to previous decades.

2021-01-18 - Monday - 11:53 AM - Alex Jones Show
People were unwilling to wear shock collars for many years now. But Covid Shock Collars, oh, no problem, where do I sign up? I don't want to be a slave. But a Covid-Free Slave, no problem.

Politician, Poli-Tick.
Y2K is nothing compared to what is happening now.

America is now a Police-State, as you see with the military. Cash is going away which means military will be enforcing increased taxes just like do in Vietnam.

Vijaya Gadde, head of legal, policy and trust, Twitter, attacks Free Speech

Truth Seeks Now

09:35 PM - Simon Parkes - 18th January Update Current News

Biden and his team is looking rewrite the constitution to give the President total power or at least more power.

Watch Log

I've been watching the following

Wil Paranormal


Robert Barnes

Any trial of Trump in the Senate violates four different Constitutional protections: the impeachment clause, the prohibition on Bills of Attainder, the First Amendment protection of free speech & the Fifth Amendment's due process protection. Explained here

Dear diary, got up around 11:10 AM, banana, coffee, for breakfast. Oatmeal around noon. Cleaning the bath around then or before then and then again around 1 PM, a few minutes each. Mom talked about a 7 year old he heard about drawing on his face, parents asked what he did, he said he didn't do it. I'd ask what happened, etc. Larry came in and joked about how since he is reliving his childhood, where can I get a pen. I think he said pen but you fill in the blank if you have to, marker, crayon, pen, pencil, I laughed at that joke, pretty good. Lunch food was good, soup on and off today. Dishes in the afternoon. No mail, MLK day. Oh yeah. Soup and /or stuff for dinner around like 7 PM with like beef or steak. I think steak. Oh, not soup, salad. That was good.

YouTube is banning this video, he was giving Trump information, the people around Trump were actively hiding info from him, lying, there is a legal path to victory, the election was stolen in so many ways, big tech doesn't want you to watch this.

Get your Trader Joe's Shirt. It has some of the flag of the countries our First Unelected President (Biden) has sold our former republic, now empire, to, countries like China, Iran, etc.

Pawns of War

China can shoot missiles at Americans via satellite-controlled shipping containers which can be found all over America and that is why they're putting Patriot Missile Batteries in Washington DC for the inauguration of Biden on Wednesday, in order to intercept the rockets. Expect some fireworks.

40-foot Club-K shipping containers have missile and rocket launchers hiding inside them. These containers are running around the country like invisible minefields. These rockets make whatever North Korea Rocket Man had look like twigs. Pray Trump, military, congress, and others, are not too distracted by China to deal with China. That's right, while China threatens to attack us, they're also promising to attack us in another way by installing Biden. There are some paths to victory since Trump won in 2020. But please pray for all of them, big decisions must be made in the next several hours as we countdown to the death of America. They have an opportunity to reverse the Titanic. We need to stay home and pray. Please share this everywhere.

2015-01-26 Joeyarnoldvn Oatmeal Joey Arnold Oregon JSA OJawall JA Forest Grove OR FG FGHS WOLBI SA TSA The Salvation Army Vietnam Saigon Hanoi Joseph Scott Rasp Morehead Cunningham Mitchell Hunter Smith Hocking Hawk Lincoln Hawks WA Washington Shelton New York NYC Word of Life Bible Institute ABC YouTube Facebook Twitter Google Alex Jones Bill Gates Informationwar Infowar Ironic Mystic Pickett Pickell Joeyarnold Joeyarnold7 JoeyarnoldTV iJustine Metal Gear USA United States of America 1900's 2000's stefan molyneux clam conspiracy theorist donald john j trump soros hitler Cool Kid Ghetto Joe Jo high school revolution hawaii ea pab l4oj l4ojsa l4r hope over dope infowars west virginia vn asia American English Teacher Add Me 1980's 1990's 2010's 2020's 2016 Michael Jordan Jackson Jesus God Devil Satan Nationalism Over Globalism Bowl Soul Oats Battle Star Wars Trek Matrix JA GROUP YEAR END PARTY PIC.jpg

Breaking Banned World News Resistance Videos Going Viral

Woman Hilariously Recreates Celebrity Instagram Photos And The Results Are Too Good

DNI Ratcliffe Releases Report Showing China Interfered with the 2020 Election and CIA Management Pressured Analysts Not to Report It

Trump to establish a National Garden of American Heroes

China develops multiple rocket launcher that hides in container

McCabe: Trump Supporters Are Similar to ISIS Terrorists

Rove: If Trump Continues to Claim Election Fraud, There Will Be Bipartisan Conviction in the Senate

DNI Ratcliffe concludes China 'sought to influence' America's 2020 federal elections

117 journalists arrested or imprisoned in America in 2020. Whatever happened to the freedom of the press and the freedom of speech? Pardon Julian Assange and Edward Snowden.

Senate Releases First Batch of Declassified Obamagate Documents

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