Practice Painting October 25


Hello guys, this is turtledance24 and if you're wondering why I typed something in a post that I made this time, let's just say that I just had the time to do so this time. You see, I had just been shit posting a lot of these Inktober Challenge content everywhere and yeah, I feel a little guilty about it cause... its half assessed.

So whats up recently?

Recently, my interest in art kinda shifted a little from cartoons to digital painting. Right now, this is my 2nd week(9th day to be exact) since I started touching digital painting. Well, I tried doing comics digitally these past months but those aren't really related to painting so those doesn't count.

So far, the thing that I learned about it is, painting is like a different set of skill other than doing line art. It's like, line art and painting are connected but not directly. Like, for you to get the sense of drawing a painting you need to atleast have the memory to draw something before you can paint it but not exactly.

I cannot really tell that much since I'm still new to this and I'm still learning. One thing that I learned which was a big step for me was "I suck really bad at colors" and I need to work on it. Since the start of my drawing practice 5 years ago, all I wanted to achieve was to do black and white comics so I ended up just using hatches(not even manga tones) for shadows. And the shadows were even minimal to the extent that I apply a lot of hatches just to make a drawing looking better(at least on my point of view).

Painting is a new experience to me and for me this is exciting, now that my interest got into this, I always have this feeling now that I can no longer wait on what things I can do in the near future. Yeah, thats just all about me recently, all I do is draw and practice like a nut. Anyway, theres no much to share this time, I just wanted to post with some typings this time than the usual copy paste that I do recently.


Yeah, man!
Well, since we'd have slightly different experiences on this...
But yeah, coloring / painting feels like a toootally different thing from lineart!
After doing my comics for a couple weeks, I tried to do coloring, it feeelt... so wrong for my characters! "xD
I personally feel like color combination / painting is another skill to work on, haha.

And yeah, it's a bit hard to not do these inktober challenges without halfassing them! ":D

Btw: Your painting today has a rather interesting color combo / choice, I feel :)

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