Are Electronic Cars worth it or trash?

in #cars3 years ago

electric cars

Green cars in the following years for the following countries! Norway 2025 belgium 2026 for company cars iceland netherlands ireland slovenia sweden denmark and india 2030 and 2035 great britain and finland okay that doesn't look so good for the promoters so some countries have already planned a registration ban in the future, so the transformation is already in full swing and the manufacturers are preparing for it, alongside manufacturers such as tesla and neo who only have electric vehicles in their range, most manufacturers are already so advanced that they have at least one electric vehicle in their fleet so the signs clearly stand for the e-car but as you can see It's worth the whole thing today, although you can see these e-cars everywhere, but they are also economical if you look at the current figures from the Federal Motor Transport Authority, so in 2021 you can see a huge leap from 2020 to 2021 for electric vehicles based on the almost 48 million registrations of vehicles in germany pure e car vehicles still a very small percentage from less than 1 percent so the question should at least be fair whether the whole thing is already praising the whole thing we want to examine now and that can be roughly divided into three categories that is environment the second is the range or charging infrastructure and the durability of the batteries and the third is, of course, the costs.We start with the point that is the fastest ticked off the environment not only since the e-car has become more suitable for the masses, the question arises in the area are electric cars really more environmentally friendly than the classic burners the extremely environmentally harmful battery production is mentioned again and again and that is still the case today most of the reports that the co2 emissions are higher here than with burners comes from a swedish study from 2017, even if the argument from back then is not entirely up to date table is so the study was revised again in 2019 it was found there that the co2 emissions are only half as high as they had assumed at the time Electricity mix during the life of a car or in the future not improved our energy is getting greener and greener even if the efforts may not be perfect, you can see that the states are working for a greener energy transition, perhaps one of the reasons why global clean energy so popular with investors is point two is a bit long the holding time of the batteries there, many studies assume that they do not last that long but that will mean that we will have a closer look at the topic of range but the study by Eindhoven also brings it very nicely to the point of how i think that the burner car was the solution to the unsolvable p trouble of the manure from the horses the e car will solve the insoluble co2 problem of the criminal in the long term the federal environment ministry also assumes that the greenhouse gas emissions of an e-car should be lower than those of an internal combustion engine over the entire period of operation and that the whole thing should be Reinforce it again by 2030 because the technology will of course not stand still and will continue to improve in the future, so perhaps in the future it will be possible to do without the raw material cobalt, which is currently still needed for battery production, but its currently still partially reduced inhumane conditions happens point 2 range of charging infrastructure and batteries that is where we come to the classic problem of the car that first comes to my mind okay you don't get far route planning has to be very well planned or that you have to stand somewhere for hours to recharge the battery but is it then actually so let's take a look at the three most popular models currently in germany that is the vw e up the volkswagen id3 and the tesla model 3 the up is a discontinued model and is currently only available to a limited extent with a range of around 180 to 260 kilometers so not very much bajnai the three, depending on the engine, we can manage 330 to a maximum of 550 kilometers according to wlt p measurements according to volkswagen a tesla model 3 according to tesla can measure between 448 in the standard variant up to 640 kilometers in the long range according to the wtb version almost the temperature and many other factors naturally have a strong influence on the range, which is why the range of vehicles is difficult to quantify so you can already see that there is definitely some catching-up potential for e cars if you compare it with the classic burners or these like one saw here in the adac test but generally uses tesla

the benchmark for e-cars is the highest, however, the battery technologies are currently developing rapidly and by 2025 the ranges should be on par with current combustion engines the cars move well below 100 kilometers a day and every e-car can park that without any problems for charging are more numerous than those of internal combustion engines and you can quickly recharge something a few kilometers in between.If you often drive very long distances and have no mentioned options for charging, you need a plan or information in advance about the charging structures in your area or the route not around the state in the meantime chen decided that the expansion of the infrastructure should increase significantly but we know that sometimes good things take time and the br was not created in a day also there are different providers of charging cards but the problem here is sometimes that they cannot be combined with each other what to say can lead to problems every now and then you read about the station failures in addition to the fact that i found in berlin that the number of e cars is really growing faster than the charging station, which means that they are mostly occupied here at tesla drivers of course currently have a small advantage because tesla has its own supercharger system where you can charge your tesla, but if you have no way to charge it all at home or at work or planning too much you have to say that you are currently With a combustion engine it is even more comfortable to travel because of course there are petrol stations on every corner but there may be a ha Ben maybe even tenants in the future will be entitled to a power connection if you have a parking space here, the legislator has already given a small direction a big problem what many have with the e cars is the durability of the batteries but here can be given the all-clear to almost every manufacturer meanwhile has a guarantee on its batteries and the service life of eight years or 180,000 kilometers is covered, but presumably there are significantly more kilometers in it for the modern battery, as the reports of long-time tesla drivers who have been driving electronically for a number of years on a test at tesla have shown that 90 percent of the charging capacity was still left over 160,000 kilometers, which of course assumes that you drive properly with the whole thing to the The average age should not be a problem for e cars, so you don't have to worry as much about the durability of such cars at first, let's talk about the last point, what is the cost of electronic freedom on wheels that is yes, the point that most interested people jump directly into eva's computer ranks here we have a preconfigured situation, here the comparison between a golf 7 and the vw idea drives the 10 pre-set to the most popular vehicles in germany and also in the same vehicle class are both at home, but other vehicles can be compared with each other, the whole thing we will link to you below in the description and again to an extra path that goes into even more detail but that should be enough for now with what we have vehicles differ considerably in price, of course Acquisition costs you can already find e vehicles around 20,000 euros but of course there is no upper limit. the id3 shown here corresponds roughly to a medium engine size of a VW.

As in the calculator, the annual mileage is set at around 13,000 kilometers, which corresponds to the average car mileage in Germany for 2020 the petrol price always fluctuates between 1 euro 50 and 160 per liter, so we put a eur 55 in the calculator 31 cents per kilowatt-hour, the average electricity price in Germany for charging at home is already set here. Look directly at the result and the computer spits out that the profit threshold of the VW idea 3 when driving from the retailer's yard is cheaper than the comparable price golf despite a higher list price, the question arises how can that be?

This means that there is even a state subsidy of 9,000 euros for e-cars up to a price of 40,000 euros and up to 65,000 euros, there is still 7500 euros of funding the list of all currently eligible cars we link you here we come to the next Punkt this is the charging station or wall box for 800 euros which was included in the calculator, but there is currently also a subsidy from the kfw bank which subsidizes 900 euros per charging point, so the 800 euros may have to be deducted again if you have the So the bottom line is that the e car is once again cheaper than stated here, we come to the electricity price since the federal government will of course drive the transformation, mr, it will probably still be listening to fuel price increases in the future, which of course makes the whole model of the car even more favored or cheaper then makes the point insurance here is au ch already entered something but the whole thing is of course very individual from age and so on and so forth so it's difficult to take this with you and always had to look individually here the next point is the vehicle tax and here too the state intervenes again under the poor pure e-vehicles are exempt from vehicle tax for the first ten years and should also be taxed more cheaply than burnt corn the last point is then inspection and maintenance the whole thing is calculated for the mileage of 100,000 kilometers but generally one can say that e cars have the advantage here electric motors are much simpler oil change spark plugs and so on and so on are foreign words e motors through the recuperation of e motors the brakes are also significantly lower here you can say e cars have one clear cost advantages well the tire wear could be a bit higher depending on the driving style through de n strong ford drive of e vehicles when driving off which of course creates more friction the costs summed up by the strong funding of the state, the e vehicle is cheaper than a combustion engine in terms of running costs, the cost per kilometer as well as the total costs over ten years Incidentally, this is the result regardless of our fictitious calculations, e.g. studies shown or even the adac and finally, maybe a small gold market must be there because there are always new cars used cars are generally always cheaper and maybe it is also worthwhile for them electric vehicles yes the loss of value is a particular problem with e cars because of course many are afraid that the technology will develop very quickly and that you only have an old car in front of the door that is ultimately worthless but that's where we have to go already shown in this that the whole thing is not so dramatic i As you might imagine, it can also make sense to take a look at the used market and, if necessary, to get a bargain or two there, otherwise it can also be said that the environmental bonus is also available for young used leasing or year-old cars, so the whole thing can work out Even now, when it comes to a new purchase, you always have to look individually, of course, but what is our opinion on the e car is worth it? Adhering to cars is not as tragic as one might think, be it for environmental costs, range or durability as we have shown in detail here, so if you are about to buy a car or are thinking about it, you should ask yourself the following two questions I can at work or charge the whole thing at home, you have the option, of course, that is very nice n and speaks for the whole thing, we also talked about the possibility of subsidizing the box for home use in general, of course, you have to expect longer running times or wait somewhere if you can't really recharge the whole thing at home or at work in everyday life But if that should be the case at most once or twice a week, the second point that you may ask yourself is how much can I benefit from the federal government's subsidies, there is still money available and the whole thing was only extended until 2025 but the pot is of course limited and not infinitely so you have to look whether the whole thing is still worthwhile in the future, of course, these subsidies will of course be omitted, it can be that the e cars become more expensive very quickly if the manufacturers do not give in there so it remains to be seen how the future develops but now I am looking forward to your opinion is it worth a car or not?

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