Avoid Making These Mistakes If You Have Been Given a Speeding Ticket

in #cars6 years ago

Speeding Tickets

Mistakes are not always forgivable. There are some that only come with repercussions and do not even give the opportunity to learn from them, which makes it essential to evade them at all costs.

Here are some mistakes that you should avoid if you have been given a speeding traffic ticket:

  • Never assume that the police or investigating officers have not made any mistakes while following the legal procedures or while recording evidence against you. There are high chances that at some point in time, some flaws take place in the entire procedure or while recording evidence.
  • Being ignorant of your rights or not exercising them at appropriate times is one mistake you definitely should stay clear of.
  • Remember that you should not give any official statements, lie, admit something, say anything incriminating, or answer the questions of police officers without your defense attorney being present. Avoid talking with them too much in the absence of your attorney.
  • Do not assume that you are guilty of your charges and plead guilty or accept a plea bargain without speaking to your attorney first.
  • Another mistake you could make is when you rely on the free advice of your friends, relatives, colleagues, or anyone else and not hiring an experienced attorney to defend your charges or making delay in hiring one.
  • Do not miss appearing at your court hearings. Also,remember to not be late to them.
  • If you are sure that you won’t pass a field sobriety test, then taking it could be a blunder since it would later be surely used against you. You can refuse to take this test as there are no consequences for the same.
  • Do not try to convince a prosecutor or even talk to him without the presence of your traffic defense attorney.
  • You should not go against your state laws at any cost and must comply with them.
  • Assuming that a high BAC level will make your charge undefendable could be another big mistake you could make.
  • Always remember to get your blood tested from an independent forensic laboratory.
  • Remember to preserve all pieces of evidence in your case for future.
  • Resisting an arrest is in itself a charge that can be used against you in the future to make your case weak. So, avoid making this mistake as well.
  • Do not allow police officers to search your car. They do not have the right to legally search your vehicle unless you allow them to. So, it is better to refuse to let them make such searches.
  • LastlyArticle Submission, one mistake that is so commonly made is to keep driving even after your license has been revoked. Make sure to never commit this mistake at all costs.

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com

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