
Why thank you very much...Las Vegasan? Lower Valleyan? Am I even close.. :D

You are so far away man, it is not even right continent. :) Look more to the spot inbetween Poland, Scandinavia and Russia, you will see Latvia somewhere there near the coast. And yes, we were once under communist sickle and hammer, now we are part of European Union where people actually have EUros as money and tend to speak quite good English. No, we don't have almost any palm size spiders, venomous snakes or human hunting scorpions like you have, dear Australians - our nastiest snake is Vipera berus and we are nowhere as rich as our counterparts in the EU. That's LV - Latvia.

For more of my automotive thoughts, you are welcome to see my blog.

Human hunting scorpions? I wouldn't believe everything you hear about this place. Also the last time I saw a palm size spider was in a museum. Sure there's poisonous critters around but we've learnt not to poke the bear and vice versa ;)

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