How Koenigsegg beats Ferrari, McLaren and Porsche with old technology!

in #cars7 years ago

In March of 2014, Swedish supercar-king Koenigsegg Automotive launched a new car at the Geneva Motor Show – the Koenigsegg “One:1”. The public was immediately stunned by the car, learning that the slightly odd name refers to the power to weight ratio. Exactly, you guessed it: The one:1 is the first mass-production car to have a 1:1 power to weight ratio! 1360 hp meet 1360 kg of curb weight (2999 lbs)…

The thing is, having only produced the car from 2014-2015, the One:1 sits in between the older “Agera” and the newer “Regera”. Thus it seems to lack the recognition it truly deserves. Although the One:1 is technically based on the Agera, it seems questionable to say that the newer, hybrid powered Regera (and yes we know they refuse to call it a hybrid, but that’s a different story you can read on Jalopnik) is a step forward from the One:1. But this also doesn’t mean the Regera is a bad car! The simple answer would be: They’re different! The One:1 was designed with the LaFerrari/P1/918 trio in mind. It was a car that should beat the hybrid hypercar trio with nothing other than internal combustion and ingenuity – systems the industry has relied on for decades. Now you might argue, that this makes the One:1 an old-fashioned car, a dying breed in an ever evolutionary world of automotive progress. I say, hold your horse(power)s!

Yes, the One:1 does have a crucial disadvantage through only bringing old-fashioned technology to the table – but – this should stand out as a reminder to the industry. A car that can beat the most advanced automotive products with old tech? Seems a bit uncanny right? It’s party trick stands in the car’s name! Even though modern technology allows the industry to pack massive loads of horsepower into cars, it all comes down to weight. Nowadays cars become heavier, wider and longer with each new generation. Granted, part of this trend is owed to the fact that safety features take up more space and add to the curb weight. But it seemes the industry has lost its focus and forgot about the most important thing in car performance – weight.

This goes for all cars. For example back in 2013, the world was hugely pleased with the Alfa Romeo 4C. It was the first full sized sports car in decades with a curb weight of under 1 ton! The power to weight ratio was not exactly 1:1, but still. A nimble therabread that managed to put a smile on many owners! Seeing Koenigsegg’s approach in this light makes me wonder. Has the time finally come for carmakers to fully appreciate the fact that weight matters? We see what is possible with the One:1, a low weight, high power beast! So lets hope for the best!

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