A Final Goodbye To A Good Friend

in #cars7 years ago (edited)

Bought it in 2015 for 45k, less than three years later, it's been sold for scrap metal to some Hungarian dudes that will fix the the thing somehow. It was a C220 with a V4. Sounds slow but it was pretty quick, 0-100km/h in 7.4 seconds. Less if you improvised a launch control.

How did I crash this thing you might ask: stupidity. I slammed into the car in front of me on the highway. Good thing no one was killed. We both made it out without any scratshes. The other car was a BMW serie 2. it had minor damge. But my car somehow fell appart like a house of cards. It's so compressed that the driver's door wont close properly.

Final words: I hope you get recycled well my friend, see ya on the other side






Shit happens x


We are sorry to see this, we're relieved that you got out unharmed, did you check with your local Mercedes-Benz dealer for the warranty of the car ?

Best regards,

I got paid out already and ordered a new one, thx for asking ;)

Glad your all good, the loss of a car is never good - learn from the lesson and move on, interested in seeing the new E Class, Do you drive defensively? I never used to, being on the road all the time, that's what I try and do all the time, improves chances of things taking by surprise.

True man, Im trying to drive more defensivly now, even whem Im late (thats when its the hardest for me). The E class will be finished in 6 months ;) Untill then Im going to rent random cars.

Great news, sounds an adventure, keep us posted on the cars you get to experience.

Will do my friend!

feel sorry about you, hope insurance covers things fast. however, of course, this is easily repairable, if does not need autogen = geometry correction, it is that insurer policy is like that. hungarian guys going to be then rather happy with the purchase.

Im not the legal owner of the car, even tho I payed for it, because its a "renting" contract. So I cant decide what happens with the car unfortunatly :( But the good news is that I ordered a E coupé, with the bit of cash they gave us back ;)

OK - got it. Good luck with receiving E coupe soon.

That's no good poor car. At least everyone is ok that is the main thing. And the car did it's job to keep you safe.

Indeed man, it sounds cliché but it is the most important thing that we got out without any injuries.

Whoa - that crumpled quick. Maybe that's part of the engineering, to reduce the force of whiplash in a collision?

Glad you walked away and nobody was hurt.

Yep it is, but can be expensive, like in this case, 14k worth of repair costs, so they declared it totall loss, got sold for 17k as "scrap metal"

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