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RE: I make water. Abracadabra

in #careers6 years ago

Sorry, I just now saw your comment @kansuze.

  • One of the first things I did when I got my current Chief Operator position was to convince the Council to stop feeding fluoride. I told about the Harvard study. I explained that we were giving people an unknown dose of a controlled substance. Skin is our biggest organ and absorbs the fluoride. I explained how the Nazis used lithium and fluoride in the water to subdue prisoners. I even showed them on toothpaste where you are supposed to call the poison hotline if you swallow toothpaste (because of the fluoride), but that did not convince them. Only when I explained it was an unnecessary expense did they vote to stop feeding it.
  • Chlorine, on the other hand, is OK with me. The #1 thing that improved worldwide health was putting in sewers. Probably the #2 thing was disinfecting drinking water. Yes, chlorine is a carcinogen, but it is easily removed. Boil it a bit or let it sit out for a few hours and it dissipates. However, fluoride is near impossible to remove.

I was raised near Stratford, Ontario which was part of a tri-city Canadian study that initially convinced them to add fluoride to the water. I think it was studying cavities. The city gets its water from artesian springs that contain a different type of fluoride, and after the study, they added more! And my dentist was completely against it, calling fluoride rat poison in higher quantities. I know in recent years the provincial guidelines reduced the amount required in the water but they haven't cut it out completely.

In the last decade or so, our province switched to a different type of chlorine in the water supply. You could smell the first type when you took a shower but this new type requires the owners of tropical fish to put drops in the water to get rid of it. Do you know anything about these different types and why they might have switched?

The fluoride studies were definitely tainted in my eyes. They say all dentists believe it is a good thing. That's false. The biggest problem I see is they never asked MD's. The US EPA limit is 4 mg/l. But only 2 mg/L for children under the age of 2. Most water plants dosed for 1.0-1.2 mg/L and many have dropped that to 0.8 mg/L, simply to save a bit of money and since there is no actual scientific studies that the additional dose would help anything. There is no way anyone could ever figure out the actual dose people are getting. That would depend on how much water they drink and cook with and how much showering they do. There is no MD who would honestly recommend dosing people with an unknown amount of a chemical that has been proven to lower IQ's in children. Yes, nearly all groundwater contains some fluoride. Here we have about 0.2 mg/L natural fluoride. Another water plant I worked at about 30 miles from here had about 0.4 mg/L. There is one water plant in southern Missouri I know of that natural water exceeds the 4.0 limit, so they have to dilute it with other water that is lower than that.

  • You are correct, fluoride has been used as rat and cockroach poison. It is a byproduct of certain manufacturing. Rather than have the added expense of getting rid of their toxic waste, somehow they convinced people it would be good to put it in drinking water. ???!!!???

They probably switched to chloramine disinfection. Which is simply adding ammonia to the water. It's not quite as good a disinfectant as free chlorine, but it does last longer. People who are on dialysis have to be aware when they switch to this. The main push to switch is because of disinfection byproducts created from the reaction of chlorine to organics. These disinfection byproducts have proven to cause cancer. But, before you through the baby out with the bathwater (haha I think I made a pun), chlorine does way more good than harm. People's health is improved because disease and parasites are nearly non-existent after disinfection. They are now talking about regulating the disinfection byproducts from chloramines, because 1 in a trillion people might get cancer from it. That's just ridiculous odds and the huge cost of regulations would not be worth it.

  • Usually if you smell chlorine in the shower, that does not mean there is too much chlorine. It actually means it is running a bit low.

Residents can check with your municipality or water operator to find out the fluoride level of your drinking water. Some communities in Perth County that have fluoride levels higher than ideal (greater than 1.5 milligram/litre) are: Stratford, Mitchell, St. Pauls, and Black Creek Estates (Sebringville).

And they still added fluoride! Health Canada considers 0.7 milligram/litres to be optimal. Fluoride and drinking water from the Perth Country district health unit.

That's crazy. Make sure young kids don't drink this!

Stratford alone has a population over 30,000. They have been drinking the water since the area was settled.

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