Work From Home Tips to Increase Your Productivity

in #careers4 years ago

The crisis of covid-19 has forced the digital transformation in many companies, having to implement remote work in order to maintain their operations.

Therefore, companies must take a step forward in favor of teleworking and give more freedom to digital talent.

And although at first this may seem like a blessing for workers (you can avoid your daily commute or sound the alarm for another hour), remote working can also have its drawbacks.

To help you make the most of this new situation, we'll give you 5 tips to make sure you're getting the best results while working from home.

Do something for yourself before you start working:

It's easy to get out of bed and onto your laptop without even changing your pajamas,
but to help you stay motivated, it's best to wake up and do something for yourself in the morning.
You could exercise, for example, or catch up on the news or read a chapter from your favorite book before you go to work for the day.

Have a designated work space:

Having an established work area can help you stay focused and more productive.
Whether you have a home office or a desk, you're ready to go.
That said, if you don't, you're going to have to improvise.
You could set up your workstation on the kitchen table or turn your dresser into your new remote desk.

Make a priority list:

Having a list of priorities will help keep your focus and get the job done.
Instead of doing household chores, you will focus on checking off tasks on your list and will have a sense of accomplishment once you have done them. Tools like Todoist or Notion are your allies.

Have an open line of communication with your colleagues:

To ensure an easy workflow, it is necessary to have an open line of communication with both your manager and your colleagues. By communicating with your manager, you will bring them up to speed on what you are working on,
and they will feel more comfortable knowing that the same level of work is taking place as if you were in the office.

Don't try to multitask:

Trying to multitask is counterproductive. You may think you can watch your favorite Netflix series while getting rid of this month's bills, but don't be fooled! Focus on one task at a time, give yourself a time limit, and complete your task within that time frame before moving on to the next.

I hope these tips are useful to you and that you can have more productive workdays from home.

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