What would my son choose to be ?

in #career6 years ago

This is one question that nobody has answers to. Both my sons are extremely naughty and troublesome. I often joke that they are good to be 'terorists' and the agencies they join will be happy to have them as they would not need any training 😂😂. On a serious note, my elder one has his career plans change every day. One day he wants to be a robotic engineer and on other he wants to be a footballer.
Image source : http://bit.ly/2Cq2fqi

My mom has a new prediction every day for him. If he stands near her when she cooks, she announces that he would be a star chef, if he draws random curved lines on a paper, he is going to be an artist. If he fixes his bicycle then she goes bonkers and announces to the entire locality that he will become an automobile engineer and behave as if he fixed an SUV and not a bicycle. I know grandmothers love their grandchildren more than their own children.

But, this is one question, the future of which is uncertain. I want him to be happy, no matter what he chooses to be. I am not dependent on him in any ways and I would probably help him financially with whatever I have to build a career and I know he will be fine, but I am still worried. Probably that's what happens when you are a mother.

I am not forcing my son or forcing something on him. But I am just praying that he chooses something good that would giving him financial stability and at the same time job satisfaction. After all, money and satisfaction are the only important factors, right ??


Absolutely right mam, 👍👍👍

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