Weekly Card Reading - Eclipse Guidance from Spirit

in #cardreading7 years ago (edited)

Sunscape's weekly reading...

Pick a card from the following to receive this weeks
timely advice that your spirit/soul guides
would like to share with you.

- Choose the card that feels right to you, number 1, number 2 or number 3.

- Choose before you scroll down to see what the cards have to say.

- Enjoy this magical and fun way to see what spirit has to say to you.

- This is purely for entertainment purposes only.

- If you are drawn to a second card as well, then that would represent an underlying energetic movement working in your field as well. 

This weeks reading is from the Good Tarot Card Deck

by Colette Baron-Reid

I will be sharing the information on each card according to his/her interpretations found in the guidebook that accompanies the deck. I am writing them word for word, as that is how Oracle Card Readings are done. Enjoy!

Note *** signifies my own intuitive thoughts on the card pulled

Eclipse Guidance Card 1

Page of Fire / Wands

Passion, Ambition, Motivation = Action

*** You are putting your energy of intentions right now into creative ideas. Perhaps, you are totally ready to make your move, ready to take on a new endeavor, whether that means a new relationship or a new job. It matters not, as you are so ready for the new challenge that you have been sensing as of late.

Are you waiting for news to arrive that signifies it is time to take action? The Page of Fire is the bringer of news, you could get some unexpected information coming your way, a surprising new possibility that may require you to take action. However the news comes, it is always a catalyst for change.

On the other hand, it could just be you who is caught up in your own intentions and enthusiasm for a grand new adventure. The excitement within you to try something new and move into new directions is the call of that fiery passion within your belly.

Which ever is the case, you are excited and ready to take a leap into the unknown with unbridled zeal. You are ready to know yourself in a greater way and have the drive for self-improvement and self-growth. Eclipse Guidance is with you this week to take action with your desires.

Affirmations - Inspiration

"I am free to venture forth, for co-creating a life true to my desire is my right."
"I am finding my purpose as I take the first step into something new."
"My ideas have value, I dream boldly!"

Eclipse Guidance Card 2

Ace of Earth / Pentacles

Manifested Abundance and Prosperity,

***A beautiful, majestic stag stands overlooking his kingdom and reflecting upon the valley of possibilities that lie before him. This eclipse guidance card comes at a time when new opportunities are coming your way. It could be a brand new job offer or an offer to co-create a new venture of some kind. Perhaps even working on a new project that you had not considered. Even a raise could be in your immediate future.

Whatever the case, this card contains seeds of prosperity, future comforts and security along with extra responsibilities. You will find it very hard to not take whatever possibility is presented to you. The fruits of your labor are paying off at this time to bring you abundant blessings.

With any new found success, it brings change into ones life, more responsibility and less time for self-reflection. It is your choice to choose the areas of your life that you want to play with. The physical comforts that material things have to offer, create a secure place for you to enjoy, that is for sure. It is a safe haven for many. On the other hand, it often keeps one from entering into a time exploration, adventuring outside the norm, to seek the unknown spiritual aspects that one might enjoy along their journey.

There is no right or wrong decision to make with the great opportunity headed your way. It is up to you how much time and effort you put into it. This is your journey and no matter where you choose to focus your attention, abundance is sure to follow, whether physical, mental or spiritual. Life is good for you in the flow of abundant vibes!

Affirmations -Inspiration

"I recognize the many forms of abundance and plenty, and I align myself with success. I can generate gold from the resources I have at my fingertips. I make an impact and the essences of prosperity is taking form in the material world."

Eclipse Guidance Card 3


Moderation, Purpose

*** This weeks card from spirit is guiding you to be a bit more patient, considerate and balanced in your thoughts, actions and deeds. It is a time to balance your energies, to center yourself and moderate yourself from being one extreme or the other. To maintain balance you might have to make occasional adjustments through testings, trials or little mistakes to get it right.

This card can represent a time of focusing on your mood swings, emotional imbalances and thoughts that result in depression and a lethargic attitude. You may be feeling a little touchy here and there and it's probably not much of anything, but things happen that can turn you inside out or upside down. This is your time of temperance, to be observant during your interactions and to take notice of your reactions. The angels of guidance are on your side, just ask them for assistance during this transformation.

During this time of correcting imbalances, whether they be letting go of opposing beliefs or just releasing and soothing any built up tensions in your physical body, it is time to relax into the flow of calming energy. This is a positive time for you to view the creative ways in which the universe is showing you any emotional perspectives that need attention now.

Enjoy this time of transformation that is bringing a new found sense of wholeness, strength and beauty to your life. This time of healing the self brings along with it, the ability to move forward and accomplish your desires and goals with a fresh new outlook.

Affirmations - Inspiration

This eclipse guidance card reminds me that patience will bring me into recognition of... and alignment to my purpose. All my needs are met even though I may not see it yet in the outer, visible world. The angels are looking out for me. Moderation in all things is required of me right now.

This weeks eclipse guidance from spirit

Thank you for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed this weeks oracle card reading. I will continue to post weekly cards on Mondays using various decks to keep it interesting. I look forward to you following me for the weekly spirit guidance. I hope you had fun and found inspiration in the post.

Thank you for stopping by my post, I hope you enjoyed it.
Until next time, this is Sunscape...

Sun. Scape. Ing your day

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The real eclipse is the eclipse of the Bitcoin.


Thank you so much. I love these divination tools/games. Upvoted and followed. ❤️

Thank you @carrieallen I love sharing the weekly readings for everyone. Thanks for the follow, following my fan back. ;-)

Awesome! I picked #2.

Awesome card for you, enjoy those abundant vibes @organiccacao

Good work and wonderful wish you more tender

I chose 2. Thank you!

That is a great card @moonbat enjoy those abundant vibes.


Thank you so much

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