Weekly Card Reading - An Inspirational Message for Feb 27 - Mar 5

in #cardreading8 years ago

Sunscape's weekly reading...
Pick a card from the following to receive
this weeks timely advice
that your spirit/soul guides would like to share with you.

- Choose the card that feels right to you, number 1, number 2 or number 3.

- Choose before you scroll down to see what the cards have to say.

- Enjoy this magical and fun way to see what spirit has to say to you.

- This is purely for entertainment purposes only.

- If you are drawn to a second card as well, then that would represent an
underlying energetic movement working in your field as well. 

This weeks reading is from three oracle card decks

I will be sharing the information on each card according to his/her interpretations found in the guidebook that accompanies the deck. I am writing them word for word, as that is how Oracle Card Readings are done. Enjoy!

Inspirational Message Card 1
I Am learning that endings are merely beginnings

Death is an illusion. It's a fact of life that the human body we use to travel the earth must eventually stop working. It's not meant to exist forever. The energy and consciousness that inhabited that body is free and returns to its natural home, but it never abandons us.

Learn to view death as merely a change... and everything must change, because stagnancy extinguishes progress. The same is true for relationship or a career. A soul lesson may be completed, and it is time to move beyond this point of familiarity and expand into new horizons of learning and development.

This is a wonderful opportunity to thank those other souls in your life who have shared part of your path and taught you so much.

Inspirational Message Card 2
"The Spirit Whisperer"
Divine guidance, higher knowing

The Spirit Whisperer comes to you this week heralding the miraculous and the inspired. She whispers guidance from the Divine through your higher senses so that you can hear her wisdom and know her love for you. She is committed to helping you intuit the next right actions and steers you away from trouble. The Spirit Whisperer keeps you inspired to move forward, always knowing...just in time...the correct next step.

She guides your to fulfill your highest purpose. When she appears, it's a sign of inspired ideas that, with continual action, lead to success! That's a very good omen.

If your question is about a relationship, the Spirit Whisperer speaks of soul connections, past lives, and great learning through mutual mirroring. She will whisper how long, how short, how deep, and how sweet the relationship can be.

There were soul bargains made even before you both were born here, and an exploration is in order. You may move forward, but keep listening to the Spirit Whisperer for the lessons that the vulnerability of love brings.

Inspirational Message Card 3
Making A Plan

This inspirational card shows a pen, journal, compass, and key. When you receive this card upright, it indicates that this is the optimum time for setting up a very specific strategy for achieving your goals.

Write about the direction you want to go in. Consider any potential change in course that may be needed. Be aware of the particulars regarding your goals and have some conscious plan in mind. Structure the short-term goals needed to make your long-term goal a reality.

This card is telling you to spend some time setting things in order. It's time to take full control. Add thought to action, and set your sights on the road ahead.

This weeks spirit guidance

Thank you for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed this weeks oracle card reading. I will continue to post weekly cards on Mondays using various decks to keep it interesting. I look forward to you following me for the weekly spirit guidance. I hope you had fun and found inspiration in the post.

This is Sunscape...
Sun. Scape. Ing your day

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It's very beautiful post!!
Exchellent work :)

Thank you @djsonic for your kind words.

That is cool @anahilarski that means a letting go of something and a new beginning or idea may be coming to you soon. ;-)

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