Cardano ADA Explodes After Recent Promising Announcements

in #cardano5 years ago

Like so many other altcoins, Cardano (ADA) has also seen a great upward movement in price, no doubt in part because of the good news that the Shelley phase of the project, which would introduce several new features, is due to go live on the testnet in June, and the mainnet version is expected to be launched by the end of Q1 2019.

Source: Invest in Blockchain
Credits to the author


This is a good news for me and am happy I stumbled on this news. A friend so much talked about getting enough Cardano but I didn't quite understand the news behind it. Altcoins are really picking up now. My holdings, Veil coin, Ripple, Litecoin, etc doing good as well.

Veil is also another great project including monero, atomic wallet, CTT etc

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