The World is Getting Warmer, CarbonChain is out to make it better for us and our future generation.

in #carbonchain6 years ago


In the year 1870, there were just about 290 parts per million (PPM) of carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere, with a global temperature of just about 13.6 degrees Celcius (Not a bad number). However fast forward more than 100 years to the year 2009 and it's not just the population that has increased, the global mean temperatures have increased too by a whole 1 degree celcius, right about 385 PPM. This just goes to show how important it really is get rid of Co2 emissions and take care of our environment.

The Carbon Chain Program is a blockchain based initiative that was formed to do just that. The Carbon Chain buys carbon credits directly from ERPA registered projects. Holders of the CCT can the buy and sell carbon credits on the company issued exchange for carbon chain tokens. The reverse is also true. All thanks to the implementation of smart contracts which allow trades to be carried out immediately thus reducing long wait times. This program is also cheaper than other versions of conducting resources.

Don't get me wrong this offering isn't just for companies and huge corporations, individuals like you and me can get in on the action, and considering that all of us collectively might be emitting just as much CO2 as the big industries. Changes need to made, sure driving an electric car or recycling all your items is a great way to save the environment, there's still much more that can be done to remedy this situation.


My fix? Carbon Chain! See sometimes you can't avoid burning a lot of fossil fuels so if you happen to be conscious about the environment, you can pay someone else, say a stranger to stop your equivalent amount of greenhouse gases from ever being released into the atmosphere and the benefit of this model is that, because it's on blockchain users never have to worry about the funds they supplied getting used in a harmful or being misused. This is thanks to the platforms immutable ledger which can't tampered by any third.

It's also thanks to a unique feature called Carbon Trading which basically maps out the whole journey carried by the carbon credits right from where it was 'generated' to where it's going to be retired. If all this fails all the transactions will be secured by an internal protection and clearing system that will verify each party's trading activity to ensure they're all legitimate. Can't have anyone trying to game the system, now can we.


Token particulars.

Carbon Chain will be issuing 550 million Carbon Chain tokens (CCT). Here's how they will be allocated. It's a unique arrangement, one i hope is replicated by other companies. First the company will be holding a private and crowd sale, For the private sale they will be trying to raise $480,000 and $7,260,000 which are the soft cap and hard cap targets respectively, for this cause they will dedicate 121 million tokens, for the crowd sale the company will be looking to raise $22,000,000 USD at a price of 0.1 USD - 1 CCT, for this cause they will be dedicating 220 million CCTs.

The carbon chain founders will get 7% of the total tokens which is just about 38,500,000 CCTs, the executive panel, the team members and the company partners will each get 71.5M, 16.5M, and 22M respectively. As for the referral and bounty programs, 33M CCTs will be given thats 6%. Last but not least the Pot 'A' Company which will be given 27.5M CCTs.

*The Pot 'A' Company is a pool of CCTs that are kept for trade and once traded are set aside to enable the development and maintenance of the company's exchange while also funding other projects that will benefit the company.

If the $22,000,000 is raised, here's how it will be used.

This number is huge but so is the project, let's see how the company is planning on using the funds it collects. 15% of the funds will be used to fuel marketing and outreach efforts, during this time the public will be exposed to the project and informed of the benefits of Carbon Chain and taking care of the environment in general.

10% of the funds will be used to develop the platform, for example, develop and improve it's transaction capabilities. 30% will be dedicated to project registration which includes, registration, coming up with a monitoring plan, hosting a local stakeholder consultation, drafting a project design document etc.

15% will then be put towards the Emissions Reduction Purchase Agreement, which is mandatory because it allows Carbon Chain the right to purchase carbon credits. Another 15% will be given to funding administrative costs. The last 15% will be split between the token developers (4%) the company's advisors (5%) and the business development team (6%)

To find out more on this and the company in general:

CarbonChain's WHITEPAPER
CarbonChain's LITEPAPER
CarbonChain's WEBSITE
CarbonChain on TWITTER
CarbonChain on FACEBOOK

Thank you for reading.

This Blog by:

Bitcoin Username: @Sammygye

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All the views presented in this post are based off personal opinions and thus shouldn't be misconstrued as investment advice.


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