Start Making Some Extra Money by Carbon Trading, Well Kinda.

in #carbonchain6 years ago


We've seen the stories everywhere in the news about Hurricane Katrina or Hurricane Michael sweeping across entire states, taking lives and destroying property and as much many people believe all these are random acts of god. These catastrophes have come about thanks in part to human doing.

See unless you genuinely care about the environment and your carbon footprint, most other people don't care how they spend their time and until very recently people just didn't fee incentivized to reduce their carbon emissions. Until now. And it's all thanks to the blockchain, specifically a company called Carbon Chain. See with carbon chain, everyday people like you and me, can earn money from carbon credits.

If you've never heard of carbon credits, you can not be helped at this point. Haha! No, but really, you should read this article, before getting back to this read. It has everything you'd need to know in as simple terms as possible.

Assuming you read that article, here's how you can make money out of this unique opportunity thanks to Carbon Chain. According to research the global carbon credit trading market was estimated at just about $5 Billion USD. Counting a decade later, this valuation has risen to over $30 Billion.

But first a back story. A few hundred years back we had much fewer needs, we rode horse carriages and used lamps for lighting, but as time passed by and industries started coming up, we started to need to faster more efficient technologies, we saw electricity in 1879 and then the introduction of the first automobile in 1886. The rest is history. Now, unfortunately, all these benefits have come about with their own share of downsides.

Top of my list, Carbon Emissions, UH! These emissions grew so much so fast, when the Kyoto protocol was signed in 1997, to get countries to commit to reducing their greenhouse gas emissions, it couldn't have come sooner.


So how can you make money?

See each country that's a member of the Kyoto protocol gets a 'carbon allocation' per se, this is the number of emissions they can produce within a duration of time. Most of these countries give their most important but also biggest Co2 emmiting corporations a share of this allocation. Now if one of these companies blows past it's allocated number it can buy carbon credits from other companies that are yet to reach their target or the developing countries that don't have emission limits.

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All this trading will happen on the Carbon Chain Exchange (or CCX), here firms can purchase carbon credits on a blockchain based system, that's not only transparent but also secure. Currently , it's easy for anyone to buy their fair share of credits because credits have been exceedingly issued.

For example at the beginning of the year, one ton of carbon credit costed just about $30 but this price fell to around $13 after speculation on surplus credits issued emerged but since according to the Kyoto Protocol emissione especially in Europe will need to be cut a further 8% it will be much harder for companies to meet their production requirements thus fueling the demand for the credits. Any wise investor would recognize this as solid opportunity.

And the CCX is the best place to capitalize on this opportunity, with real-time trading and a platform that not only mitigates risk but is always available for trading 24/7, traders never have to worry about dissapointments or undesirable outcomes.

The CCX has a feature called Carbon trading that will help make this a reality, thanks to carbon trading there will be no need for intermediaries like clearing houses, all the trades will happen instanteneously thanks to smart contracts.
Getting CCT's at a discounted rate.

The best way to do this is by participating in the company's private sale. Not only can you but one CCT at $0.06 USD which is 40% cheaper than it will be during the actual crowdsale but you will also receive 10% bonus tokens. Do note that the minimum investment should be 0.01 Ethereum, so you need to invest more than this, also note that Only Bitcoin, Ethereum and FIAT currencies can be used to buy CarbonChain Tokens.

Here's some extra information for you - there will be 341,000,000 CCTs up for grabs in both token sales (the private and crowd sales). Also funds collected during the private sale will be used to fund the crowd sale whereas funds raised during the crowd sale will be used to finance development of the carbon chain blockchain.

Oh, check out this links too... There's alot i haven't covered, you can discover all that in these resources.

  1. Read CarbonChain's 23 page WHITEPAPER
  2. Read CarbonChain's 8 page LITEPAPER
  3. You can also sign up on Carbon Chain's WEBSITE
  4. Don't hesistate to follow Carbon Chain on TWITTER
  5. Or follow them on FACEBOOK


Thank you for reading.

This Blog by:

Bitcoin Username: @Sammygye

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All the views presented in this post are based off personal opinions and thus shouldn't be misconstrued as investment advice.


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