The carbonaceous bandit strikes again!

Monday is trash day. Since my neighbors know this too, I decided to go comb the neighborhood for brown gold instead of going to arborist offices. Good choice!


Today's haul: 45 bags of leaves and 80-100 pounds of some weird giant leaf plants.


That brings us up to 76 bags of leaves. The green stuff will be added to the north hugel when I wake up this evening. The ultra cool thing about the leaves is that all these bags contain more leaves than my paper bags. Quite exciting, and a great score for a Monday morning!!!

One pile was only three bags, one was 36, and another I only took six bags from because I had to run errands and could only get one load. I feel bad for leaving the rest because now it'll go to the landfill and be wasted...

I'm stoked. Now, what do I do with all this? I am kinda starting to feel bad for robbing my soil of those first 21 bags. Should I use some of this to mulch things, as nature intended? I wonder how long my neighbors are gonna keep throwing away treasure... If I was sure there's be more next week, I'd be more apt to use some. Last week I used four bags on the south hugel and one in the chickens.

I did skip one pile though. It was at a house that had a sign out front promoting a pest control company, so there's a pretty high chance that those leaves were contaminated. I don't wanna kill my soil bugs.

Oh, and an added bonus: I'm almost up to 15,000 steps on @actifit! I'll have to check with @wil.metcalfe to see if his #automaticwin challenge is still going. If it is, here's my proof for today:


Not too shabby for a Monday morning, eh! Hope y'all's Monday is this good too!

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My town has a leaf dump, I can take leaves, trees and branches. I can also get free fill and wood chips. I am totally spoiled I guess. I take a lot there, but I am also going to get fill/compost from there in the spring.

Words cannot express my jealousy right now.

You can go there whenever you want and get free organic matter and compost?!

Well, its open 1-2 days a week depending on the season... but within those parameters, yes

You're more than half an hour from me, right?

Google Maps says its only 14h 9ms door to door.

Hmm... Lemme check some local stuff first, but what days are they open? And can I bring a dump truck and a hollowed out school bus?

Leaves sure make for some good compost. We have a larger yard and use a lot of grass clippings and cow/chicken/rabbit manure. We have been thinking an awful lot about starting to use a lot of wood chips though.

Bro, do it! Soon as I can get my grubby paws on some, I'm taking all of it that I can! I dread the idea that I'll probably be waiting another month or so because I don't have my own truck. But once I do have a truck, I'll be bringing a daily load probably. Wood chips are like gold bro. Except even more useful.

The wide leaf plants....I'd be concerned they might be poisonous to chickens...Often flowering plants are. Here's the Cornell list:

I'll check and see if they're on the list, thanks!

I wasn't gonna give them to the chickens though, they're going on the big north hugel. A hundred more pounds of organic matter for the worms! I'm trying to come up with a way to get a whole bunch of topsoil for that bed, but I'm fresh out of ideas. Wondering if I should half bury it like the south hugel...

I didn't think you'd give them to them. But you do let the birds out to range, so burying them would be a good idea.

Have not ended up on one of those most wanted lists yet "carbonaceous bandit strikes again"😆 great haul and effort on those steps 👍

Posted using Partiko Android

They'll never catch me! Muwahahahahahah!!!!

Bro, people throwing away the lifeblood of the planet here. They're sending it to the state prison of plasticine garbage at the landfill. I had to do something :)

Haha, like the robin hood of composting steal from the state and give back to the earth 😆 love it

Posted using Partiko Android

Exactly! The state tries to control, waste, and regulate these resources, and we're not going to let it happen anymore!

Steal from the state, and give to the earth! I love it :D

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