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Great article! I have been researching C-60 a lot since I heard Clif High talk about it on a webcast recently. It seems to be a truly an amazing substance but I am having a hard time getting my hands on some from a reputable company, as everywhere seems to be sold out lately.
I want to try and test it out myself first then to possibly give to my parents to keep them around longer. ;)
I really wish more people knew about this! thanks for trying to get the word out! I followed you and hope to see more great articles like this.
well not to self promote too much but we sell the purest currently avail on the market...but being this is 3 months later hopefully you are well on your way down the C60 path!! Be healthy friend!
Oh cool.. im very interested in picking up a bottle. How long does one bottle last? How much do u have to take daily? Oh and curious how u can claim to have the purest? I have heard this claim from a few different companies also so i would like to hear reasoning. Anyhow, hope to hear back from u soon. :)
Just depends on how much you take! Depends on your current state of health and how much you initially need to flush out your system of accumulated toxins. For your typical healthy person we recommend about a tsp a day so 1 bottle lasts about a month. Our C60 is tested by accredited third party labs and has 99.999% purity.
Im in great shape and i have already been taking c60 for 4 months so im sure ive already flushed the toxins out.. i guess ill have to get a bottle and check it out. Thanks for the feedback 😊