
I see capitalism as a fairly cut-throat system involving competing entities (competing producers, competing consumers). Corporatism is simply the big-business response to capitalism's feature of competition. It involves government protectionism through regulations, subsidies, and other legislation. The most obvious feature of corporatism is the revolving door between the well-connected corporations and government agency staffing pools. The corporations often write the very laws that "regulate" their behavior. The two systems - capitalism and corporatism - are mutually exclusive.

I don't see capitalism as cut-throat, just competitive; and I don't see corporatism and capitalism as mutually exclusive. Self interest insures that you can't have one without the other. There is no such thing as corporatism in a socialist society because the rules will not allow it.

However bring capitalism into the mix and you can make way for the self interest that you describe above. As I explained in my last article, cryptocapitalism vs cryptocommunism, what we have hear on Steemit has gone someway to answering the problems that capitalism can throw up.

So now we have a system whereby each and every player has a minimum 2 year investment; which counters the first knee-jerk reaction, fulled by self-interest; which is to cut and run as soon as the going is bad.

I believe in capitalism as a tool for growth, however it needs tweaking; which was my main point.


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