Big pharma is taking over Portugal's Cannabis as Canada just legalized recretional use

in #cannabis6 years ago

First off let me say that Cannabis plants will not be regulated ! They even try to kill them, but they are strong, probably the strongest in the world (absorbing and filtering radiation, etc)

I should also say that Cannabis cures cancer, not just the symptoms.

That said, what happened in Portugal a few days ago regarding Cannabis laws ?


Wait, what ?

Yeah, it's difficult to explain but i'll try, and i think it's necessary.

In the last 5/7 years (at least), leftist party Bloco de Esquerda has been taking the spanish aproach (own growing and consumer associations) adapt it and present it to parliament.

This would lead to own growing for recreational purposes and consumer (profit or non) associations.

This was, year after year rejected, and even critized by some parties. The party was alone in it's proposition, with 1 or 2 being open for medical purposes, but the main purpose of the proposal was completely refused also by communist party as voiced again now.

After a while PAN (Animal and Nature party) joined them.

The proposal (to own growing and associations) was refused, by the 6th time probably and this time swiftly corrected / adapted and so the headline that reads "Parliament just legalized use of Cannabis for medical purposes" in the portuguese headlines actually should read:

"Use of Cannabis derivatives (only handled by INFARMED and Military Lab) aproved."

We were already producing (and selling) Cannabis "for medical purposes" for the UK i believe and others probably, this was talked and it's documented on the media.

This becomes absurd as the article mentions "we didn't even need any (more) law" by the PC (communist party)

While this may seem true, it's just sayin "you can do whatever you want", and somehow this turned into some publicity stunt for a brand new market...

I believe and know that prohibition and decriminalization do not work !

In the end BE party actually tought this was an improvement and will not be insisting in further recreational and medical proposal attempts, while PAN tought that this was an improvement to aknowledge the benefits of Cannabis, PAN insisted we should regulate own growing and critized the recomendation that the doctor should only recomend the use of these pharmaceutical derivatives as a last resource.

This means sintesized and isolated cannabinoids, this is not how the plant works.


They are making the same move over and over again...they will manage to control cannabis industry and make huge profit out of it while keep it "criminal"...

In Portugal we a had a false liberalization of drugs for people that don't know how to read all the law.
This law was made by a minister that wanted to be the director of the of the European Drug Observatory, and he made international fake propaganda to spread a false rumor that drugs are free in Portugal.
The database where consumers are registered is like a cattle mark that will influence your life forever in Portugal, like get state jobs or others like professional driving, military and so on, that will check if you are "marked".
Planting in Portugal is one of the worst places in Europe to do it because immediately you are a dealer and they even weight the roots and the sand.
People will go to the judge, and always pay big money and then it is compulsory to go to the psychologist, and worst, it is unconstitutional but while you don't declare that you are not smoking, you will be in treatment forever.
[Edited] I just saw your link to, and I will edit my last post to put this missing link I couldn't find when I wrote it.

Yes, i think they are more liberal regarding smoking but the prohibition is very much felt. The weight of the roots and sand (potted plant) really represents the absurd situation in Portugal, thanks for reminding.

@zedikaredirect I'm a portuguese curator and I support you. You may use tag #canna-curate and get a possible good upvote by them. I just share your post with them.

Cures cancer? Bullshit.

Is it a panacea? More like snake oil.

So what's really its medicinal use? The CBD (cannabidiol) extract found in strains with little to none of the component THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is good for symptom treatment of certain rare medical conditions, e.g. epilepsy, and for moderate pain relief.

Further studies are warranted. But there is as yet no sign that skunk cures anything, least of all cancer.

So I read the abstracts of fifty-odd articles listed in the literature review which seemed promising from their description. And you know what? The jury is still out. No where is there the medical judgment to the effect that CBD cures cancer.

What apparently is understood is that CBD influences regulation of proteins involved in cellular energetic metabolism and regulation of cell growth. How precisely this could have an anti-cancer effect is not yet known, but "the results reported might contribute to the development of a therapy based on cannabinoids," as one article said.

Most of the articles from my selection ended up saying even less regarding CBD's possible anti-cancer effect. These would either demonstrate the analgesic properties of CBD or surmise, from case studies where smoking skunk is associated less with cancer onset than with cancer remission, that the drug has an anti-cancer effect.

Two of the articles did not even say anything positive about skunk. One said it could not confirm CBD's anti-cancer effect (b/c of the experiment model) and the other was taken down from the academic journal.

Ok, i understand your skepticism.. take your time to review but not just academic and pharmaceutical, experience it or listen to experiences first hand, i just linked a medical studies list wich was located at the letter C (it's not specific for cancer).
You seem to not understand the plant and how it heals. I don't either really, but i know this: We have an endocannabinoid system wich is there to receive cannabinoids and the plant has hundreds of cannabinoids, not just CBD or THC, if you're thinking in isolating one to treat ANY condition, you're thinking wrong... but, that's also ok, if you want to restrict or control Cannabis because you think it can kill, overdose, or put someone in psicotic breakout... sure.. i can see that, take an expensive alchemy and sell it for profit, as always worked...

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