This is me with an cannabis leaf illustration. I support.

in #cannabis7 years ago

I am one of those weed supporters. I am no hardcore activist, but i do not found this illegal - i mean there is no reasons to be illegal in MY PERSONAL WORLD VIEW. Wanted to say it out loud, so people know where i stand, atleast right now.


There has always been positive and negative molecules, sometimes even they bounce when together, it maybe isn't possible in science, but is possible in metafor.

People have argued a lot about ganja and they will be arguing about it in future. All i can do, is to start expressing my PERSONAL OPINION about this topic. So we will just make statistics public what people think about this.

My life has been stressful, black-and-white and strictful. There has been many deaths, illnesses and attitude problems with relatives.

Myself, i have been the selected black sheep, have always been somehow. In school also. There has been so much sleeping my life off, but no more, why i recovered bit by bit?

I have started to see life in some colors again, only because the cannabis. Literally lol.

But you know, actually this has helped me in so many ways. I am keeping calm, my mind is relaxed and i have noticed in my mind there has been some serious corrections in a positive way. I have been diagnosed with some mental ilnesses and i myself know best that i have treating it with cannabis. Nobody else, even the "professionals" could not see how my brain works and how my mind is working, where, why and how i get this feelings and thinkings, how my soul operates. So yes, by weed, there has been so many improvments with my depression. I can make myself aware of positive things and can coordinate my thinking better. So to say, shut off the bad negative attitude.

I ordered main domains in my country already, because i know soontobe legal medical plant will be change our country in so many positive ways.

So... now you all know where i stand and i hope you will not hate me as i am. Because i will not hate you.


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