Why we should legalize marijuana - from polish perspective

in #cannabis7 years ago (edited)


Here is my translation of the text which I originally published in polish - from Polish perspective. I tried to translate it in such way that it would retain its meaning. I apologize for possible mistakes and stylistic shortcomings, unfortunately, english is not my main language.

Marijuana as a drug and medicine has been known to mankind for thousands of years. Each living homo sapiens has cannabinoid receptors in the body, which are part of the endocannabinoid system. Chemical compounds found in cannabinoids - in cannabis - act directly on cannabinoid receptors, causing a series of reactions. However, the most controversial is the compound that occur in Cannabis indica called THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) - a notorious cannabinoid with a psychoactive effect.

Marijuana prohibition was initiated by a series of mystifications, slanders and bureaucratic propaganda with support of the DuPont company, which wanted to block production of cheap cannabis paper, because of low profitability.

In 1931, the US Treasury secretary, Andrew Mellon (notably the bank owner who signed the contract with DuPont) approves the candidacy of his future son-in-law, Harry J. Anslinger as the head of the newly established Federal Bureau of Narcotics.



  • propagand poster from 1938

In the years 1932 - 1937, Harry J. Anslinger, launched a propaganda campaign against marijuana and cannabis. In his speeches, he persuaded congressmen that marijuana users under her influence could kill their loved ones. On the streets of American cities began to appear propaganda posters scaring people from "evil weed" - the message was simple - demonized the "pot" based on fear; there were such words as "the smoke of Hell", "deadly drug" or "satanic herb". Anslinger campaign was also supported by William Randolph Hearst, the owner of big publishing house. There were shocking articles in his newspapers, including "Marijuana turns boys into monsters in 30 days", as well as racist lyrics directed against Latinos and blacks. Often fear was fed by posting in large tabloids articles about marijuana related with horrific crimes: "afro-americans raping white women and playing voodoo-satanistic jazz." On this foundation, other countries began marijuana prohibition. A global anti-cannabis campaign built on a lie.


  • propaganda poster from 1942.

Fortunately, 85 years later, Western world realized the failure of "War on Cannabis" and a green revolution began, initiated by the freedom movements in both Americas. In 2012 Uruguay became the first country in the world that have legalize marijuana. In the same year, a referendum took place in Colorado in which residents decided that they wanted full cannabis legalization. In 2014, Colorado became the first US state in which marijuana became fully legal, although it was still contrary to federal law. The green revolution has become a fact. At present, marijuana is fully legal in 9 US states, and in 30 others is allowed as medical available on prescription.


Why we need legal weed?

Recently, the question of the legal status of marijuana and the cultivation of cannabis is increasingly returning in public debate. While western countries are moving towards legalization / decriminalization, the Polish government is implementing a very failed law on medical marijuana, which does not change anything. Why not? Because, along with the new law, decriminalization has not been passed, marijuana users are still treated as serious criminals. In addition, according to the new law, the medical marijuana must be imported from abroad, so its final price in the pharmacy will be unreasonably high. Requirement of medical imports of marijuana from Israel, Netherlands or Canada makes that distributors are not interested in this subject. Even pharmacists asked about medical marijuana make big eyes or explain their ignorance in this topic. In practice, medical marijuana is not available in Polish pharmacies, and the lack of refunds by the NFZ (Polish National Health Fund) additionally limits its availability. Unfortunately, this is how polish approaches look in the context of this medical plant.

Legalization = quality control


At present, the vast majority of polish marijuana comes from native crops, which are controlled by local criminals. It is a secret mystery that a large part of polish cannabis crops belong to Vietnamese gangs, which use harmful plant protection products to maximize profit. Polish weed sold on the street are not tested, it does not meet any quality standards or pharmaceutical standards. Polish cannabis users are therefore doomed to drought of dubious quality of unknown origin, and no entity is able to check its origin. This is how incompetent, Polish government is trying to fight with this happy plant. Allegedly applicable cannabis policy to protect children and youth, but does the dealer on the street will ask his clients for ID? Of course not! Street dealers do not follow any rules. So the argument that marijuana prohibition is to protect children and young people is a total negation of reality.

For comparison, in the state of Colorado, each cannabis grower and seller must apply for a special license that entitles him to marijuana retail for medical or recreational purposes. Products ready for sale (droughts, oils, hashish) are examined and certified by the appropriate state authority - the entire process is transparent and compliant with applicable law. Only full legalization of cannabis and other psychoactive plants provides real control over the market. In addition, the resources of law enforcement agencies that are dealing with drug-related crimes can be directed to the fight against really dangerous criminals. Law enforcement agencies are becoming more efficient, and the police no longer have to pursue students for having 0.5 grams of marijuana.

Economic growth


  • one of the cannabis stores in Colorado - high quality weed and wide range of products

The Colorado State example shows that marijuana legalization has contributed to economic growth - the wealth of households' wallets increased by 6% following the legalisation of trade in cannabis products. The entire value of the cannabis market in Colorado exceeded $1.5 billion, and tax revenues totaled nearly $250 million. Analysts have calculated that almost 20% of new jobs in 2017 were created indirectly or directly in connection with the growing marijuana market.

In January 1, 2018 California legalized marijuana according to the will of residents expressed in the referendum. Currently, the state of California is the world's largest legal marijuana marketplace which is expected to reach $5 billion in the end of the year. According to the BDS Analytics model, by 2021, the Californian budget could gain almost $1.5 billion from tax revenues from the marijuana trade.

Crime decline

The example of the United States shows how legalization of psychoactive cannabis reduces crime associated with drug trafficking. According to a study by the American authorities, a 13% decrease in crime involving violence related to drug-related crime was reported. A particular decrease in homicides and assaults with weapons in states bordering on Mexico, in which medical marijuana or recreational marijuana had been legalized. The majority of marijuana consumed by Americans comes from Mexico and is transferred to the US by the 7 largest Mexican drug cartels. Following the legalization, the turnover of the Mexican cartels began to decline. The largest decrease in crime was recorded in border states: California - 15%, Arizona - 7%. The crimes most strongly affected were robbery, which fell by 19%, and murder, which dropped by 10%. Homicides specifically related to the drug trade fell by an 41%!

Health benefits

Marijuana, apart from recreational-psychoactive use, also has many medicinal properties and is successfully used as a medicine. It must be admitted that the cannabis revolution began just after the introduction of medical marijuana. Previous research suggests the use of marijuana in treatment of many serious diseases.

Research conducted, among others by scientists at the Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco, the University of Illinois, the University of Nottingham, Hebrew University or Harvard, they show a wide therapeutic use of medicinal marijuana in treatment of the following diseases:

  • It is used to treat chronic pain
  • Reduces the frequency and intensity of muscle contraction
  • Helps in the treatment of glaucoma
  • Soothes and reduces the frequency of epileptic seizures - also in children
  • Reduces the symptoms of a severe panic disorder, called the Draveta syndrome (severe myoclonic epilepsy that is manifested in infants)
  • Chemical compounds found in marijuana can inhibit the development of some cancers
  • THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) has the potential to inhibit the development of Alzheimer's disease
    Cannabinoids in cannabis help in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
  • THC / CBD brings relief to rheumatoid arthritis
  • Cannabis extracts have been successfully used in the treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD)
  • Marijuana relieves side effects associated with the use of chemotherapy during cancer - improves appetite in patients, relieves nausea
  • Helps in the treatment of alcoholism
  • Studies show that cannabis legalization leads to a reduction in the number of deaths associated with opioid overdose by up to 30%

Current legal status - map of Europe

[source](http://ditgestion.co/cannabis-legalisation-map-us-marijuana-map-large/cannabis -legalisation-map-us-marijuana-map-large-new-legality-of-cannabis-by-country-possession-europe /)

  • Note to the map above - in the UK medical marijuana will be available on prescription from autumn 2018_

It is estimated that marijuana retail sales in Europe over the past year have reached almost 9.5 billion euro. Last year, about 23.5 million Europeans aged 15-64 reached for marijuana, although the actual range of access to marijuana on the black market could be much larger. As you can see on the map, currently in Europe the most liberal law on access to cannabis is in the Netherlands and Spain, while in the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Switzerland or Portugal possession of several cannabis bushes is decriminalized (in the Czech Republic up to 10 grams of weed or 5 plants). In Catalonia, special cannabis cooperatives are established in which members grow more shrubs and divide harvests among themselves, which is consistent with local law.

It should be added that Canada, belonging to the Commonwealth realm - a community of nations recognizing the British monarch as ruler - became the first member of the G7 group that made full legalization of marijuana, all under the patronage of Queen Elizabeth II. :)

Canadian companies already benefit from the favor of their legislator and successfully export medical marijuana to, among others, to Europe. The clear legal status helps in the development and expansion of the Canadian cannabis industry. According to a survey by the Market and Social Research Institute of IBRiS for "Rzeczpospolita", almost 78% of Poles believe that medical marijuana should be legal and available to all who need it, and 18% oppose it. Let's hope that the next Polish government will see the huge potential flowing from legal marijuana and perhaps in a few years we will join the honorable group of countries exporting medical and recreational cannabis to global markets.


[1] https://wolnekonopie.org/2011/10/historia-delegalizacji-konopi/
[2] https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/jul/23/cannabis-legalization-global-wave-britain-marijuana
[3] https://faktykonopne.pl/efekty-i-skutki-legalizacji-marihuany-w-kolorado-najnowszy-raport/
[4] https://www.thecannabist.co/2018/04/19/colorado-cannabis-industry-federal-reserve-economists/103835/
[5] https://www.businessinsider.com/california-legalizing-weed-on-january-1-market-size-revenue-2017-12?IR=T
[6] https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/medical-marijuana-legalisation-cannabis-us-states-violent-crime-drop-numbers-study-california-new-a8160311.html
[7] https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/jan/14/legal-marijuana-medical-use-crime-rate-plummets-us-study
[8] https://www.businessinsider.com/health-benefits-of-medical-marijuana-2014-4?IR=T
[9] https://www.kansascityfed.org/publications/research/rme/articles/2018/rme-1q-2018
[10] https://www.rp.pl/Spor-o-legalizacje-narkotykow/307199886-Sondaz-Polacy-za-legalizacja-marihuany.html


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When criminals can't monetize it, then people will be better off.

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