Anyone Interested in How to Feminize Cannabis Seeds?

in #cannabis7 years ago

There are MANY Situations Where

having feminized seeds can come in handy. Feminized means 99.9% of the seeds will be female plants. All females means no spending resources on males like pots and soil, reservoirs and water/nutrients. :)

Making Your Own Feminized

seeds is rather easy and only requires some materials you can easily get online. :)

Would You Like Me

to post a write up on how to create feminized seeds using Silver Thiosulfate Solution? (STS)
Give me a yeah/nay below and I'll get right on it if you guys want it. :D

Go Be Awesome!!


Go for it man, i'll have a read - Question that might be helpful to other readers and also myself.

If i have feminized seeds originally, and then stress the plant out enough for a hermie to produce seeds, will the seeds that get produced at the end of the cycle of the grow be feminized seeds?

You'll Have Hermie Genetics Females

The easy ways to safely reverse females for pollen is through the use of colloidal silver or silver thiosulfate solution. These two methods will produce female seeds without introducing hermaphrodite tendencies. ;)

I'll post up a tutorial in a few days. ;)

Awesome brother - You know i am followed :-)


I've taken a few photos, in anticipation of the writeup. I'm also currently feminizing an Early Dane female. Should post up the full process of her in another 3-4 weeks.

Cool Beans! :D

This is supercool! @thecleangame Thanks! Followed...

I'll Take That As A Yes! lol

That's one. :) Couple more and it's a done deal. :)

I Have Male Flowers Beginning to Form

on this Early Dane I've been spraying. I'll be posting up the method, and the photos of this plant changing, in another week or so. My apologies for how long this has taken. I underestimated how long it would take to form flowers. Oops!

Your Patience Is Greatly Appreciated.


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When you have it, sending only takes a minute. My family and I greatly appreciate any donations we receive for putting out essential information. Thank You!!

Don't have any? You can mine some (daily payouts) using (3% discount code HGkVIC) or purchase some on an exchange using STEEM. :)

YES, I'm Still Working on This

I've just been very, very busy the last week. ;)

Almost There! :D


Awesome post to refer back to. I bookmarked and followed bro.

Cool Beans ;)
I've been photographing the progress every few days. It's an early strain and the area it's in has only been getting 8hrs of dark. I also have a cut of a strain which requires around 12hrs of dark, in the same space. (a second femmed pollen project.)

Next week I flip the space to 12/12 and the process for the early will speed up significantly. lol

Awesome ill have to taste that soon. Its great to have a platform like. Ill look onto genesis mining as well.

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