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RE: Former Bush Administration Drug Czar Warns New Hampshire Against Adopting Cannabis Legalization

in #cannabis5 years ago

Everyone should know by now that milk is the original gateway drug. It all starts with milk. Then they move into the harder stuff like juice. Next thing you know they're drinking Pepsi at 2 in the morning in their boxers trying to get another fix. Eventually they upgrade to coffee and that's when their life takes a turn for the worse. They need the coffee to function in society and use it just to get through the day as well as drink alcohol on the weekends to forget about the past week of misery. Since the coffee and alcohol makes them anxious they use nicotine in cigarettes to calm their nerves and before you know it they're in debt up to their eyeballs but still spending money on smokes. This creates a lot of stress and anxiety so they start with come cannabis because the nicotine isn't cutting it anymore (although they keep smoking cigarettes because that's harder to quite than heroin). After doing some serious thinking after smoking a joint, they realize how bad things like milk, sugar, debt, alcohol, and cigarettes really are. So, after a few years of hard work and determination, they manage to quit doing all those things that are actually bad for them and they now are much happier.

Gateway drug is just a fancy political word to justify corrupt political actions. People don't become addicted to heroin because they started smoking pot. They become addicted to heroin because they started using heroin. They become addicted to pills because they started using pills. They become alcoholics because they drank too much. I can pretty much guarantee, no matter what drug anyone is addicted to, they all started using milk first. We need to make milk illegal and we can save everyone.

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