The Making of Blueberry Powder To Flavour Gummies

in #cannabis5 years ago (edited)


Yeah, folks have been asking me to make a cannabis infused gummy recipe, that isn’t loaded with crap...

You know, like with a tonne of refined sugar and food colouring....

“That’s a tricky hack.”, I thought.

Well we’re burning daylight, so grab your hat, load your pipe and Walk With Me into a blueberry patch.

Blueberries grow on bushes.


See What I See:

In the photo (above) you can see what a domesticated blueberry (high) bush looks like growing in a meadow.

These domesticated bushes can grow to be over 6 feet tall and 6 feet wide. They are a plant, but are similar to fruit trees in that, you can expect them to provide fruit for approximately 20 years (once a planting has become established). This type of bush, typically produces bigger, juicer berries. They’ve been cultivated to be high yield producers, known for being able to grow quantity.

Wild blueberry bushes are usually only a few feet tall and a few feet wide. They aren’t as full in leaf. You could describe them as looking small and sparse (comparatively) and more like low ground cover rather than dense bushes with some height to them. Wild blueberries can be described as low bushes, for that reason.

As a result, wild blueberries are smaller, usually not as plentiful on the plant, or as juicy but they have a more intense flavour and potentially more phytonutrients.

I think that this is because the wild plants haven’t been hybridized (or messed with). That, and they grow best on a rocky terrain, with very well drained, slightly acidic soil. (A completely different environmental condition than a grass filled meadow.)


A mature blueberry (high) bush can produce upwards of 4 kilograms or about 8 pounds of blue berries. The current price per pound (if you pick them yourself) is $2.50 Canadian. Wild Canadian blueberries are about $8 a pound.

Just like crypto-currencies the value of this commodity (blueberries) is set based on certain perceptions which include:

  • perceived value (of superiority, based on taste)
  • perceived use
  • and sheer number of plants known to exist.

Wild blueberry plants and their fruit are rarer. They taste stronger in flavour and it takes way more of them to do anything with because they’re so tiny.

To be clear, the berries in the photos are high bush berries that I picked at a berry farm.


When the plant forms berries, they start out green. As they ripen (in the sun) their colour changes from green to red, then to a dark blue.

In the photo (above) you can see each different colour of berry represented.

When the berries are blue, they are ready to pick. Picking season is usually a 4-6 week period.

I picked 17 pounds. $42 worth.

After I cleaned them and discarded any that had already started to ferment,

These berries contain natural sugar and can be used to make wine.
Bears get hammered.
People get hammered.

( The berries will also continue to ferment into vinegar so that’s why I removed any that looked shady. I’m going for sweet not sour, this time.)

I juice blended them whole, using a high powered blender.


Then into the freeze dryer as a thick liquid, they all went.


After 48 hours, I removed the blueberry purée from the freeze drying trays as a solid.


I could lifted it up like pieces of purple styrofoam.


Now to pulverize it.

For this, I used a Vitamix dry blending jar and powdered small batches at a time.


The finished blueberry powder milled into a fine powder.

So fine, I was able to store all 17 pounds of berries in two, one litre, sealer jars!


I am now going to smoke a bowl myself.

I don’t know whether to be happy about that or pissed right off.

Water is proving to be the most valuable commodity on the planet. Lolz!

To be continued...

~ Rebecca


Yeah that powder looks great. Will be useful for sure! Good nutrients and flavours :)
"a cannabis infused gummy recipe, that isn’t loaded with crap..."
As long as there's no gelatin involved it should be fine!

I was considering making a few batches. I have good quality gelatine but wanting to produce a vegan version, too using red algae to set ...The unknown factors are how the powder is going to react when I introduce it to water and the reconstitution process starts. Plus, I also have to keep the concentrate evenly distributed so that’s got me pondering just exactly how I’m going to to that.
Not sure if the algae will still be a better ingredient choice...comes from Japan...was before Fukushima.

I would love to get my hands on your blueberry gummies! There is something very very special about knowing exactly where your food has come from. This is one reason why I fell in love with good wine. Wine is a commodity that can be bought in a super market, and you know exactly where it has come from, the good stuff anyways. Its so hard to find other food products these days, that you know exactly where it came from, of course you can go to the local farmers market, or even go straight to a small farm, but on the mass scale, not very much.

Hi @jonyoudyer!
I know this is a bit fucked up...the reason that I go overboard with detail is because I am intentionally leaving a breadcrumb trail for my young nieces and nephews (and the generations to follow) who are still children. I am 40 years older than they are. Their world (and the world that your kids will inherit) will be completely different than what we have known.
I think its important for them to be able to see what an authentic blueberry looks like, growing outside in nature...above ground in an open field with real green grass, blue skies and puffy clouds.
The children in my life are use to their crazy Auntie and having some kick-ass adventures so it should come as no surprise to them when I'm 125 and I say to them....make shine, make oil, make gummies...follow the protocols that I have archived virtually for you. ;)

Not fucked up at all. Quick question, what blueberry to you find that is tastier, the domesticated one, or the wild?

Wild by far. They are worth the $....just hard to get your hands on, unless you go more north than my current position.

Would it be safe to say, you are the martha stewart of our little steem canna community!

Hi @canna-curate,
This is actually a closer match. I've got dark hair and can really pull some black magic out of most things that start out green. LOL!

Love it! But I would say Martha is way scarier then Elvira, ;)

She’s butchier for sure...but in a roller derby match,
my $ is on the one and only mistress of the dark. Lmfao!

Whoa. I look forward to seeing the next step!

This is amazing, I bet that powder is magical.

Me too! LMFAO! Still working all the details out in my mind...yikes!

It's interesting what you can do with good blueberries! :-)
Here in Upper Michigan, south of Lake Superior, some of the best wild blueberry picking I've run across has been in areas with sandy soil and jack pine trees. The wild blueberry bushes seem to like the more acidic soil around pine trees, as long as they can get some sunlight.
I have 4 high bush blueberry bushes planted in a raised bed on the edge of the yard, 3 different varieties. I planted them last year and they all made it through the winter. Only 1 of them had any blueberries on it, but I wasn't expecting any blueberries this year, the bushes are still pretty small.

Good for you @canna-amber!
Nice to meet you.
I know your location...grew up across the lake and am very familiar with lake effect snow and cold temps.
I agree with all your observations.
I think your High bushes (if you can keep wintering them) will produce for you in their 3rd year. Seems to take about 5 before they can pump out pounds...and you're definitely hedging your bets with variety in the cultivars.

that looks incredible bet they're gonna be good!

Thank you @doitvoluntarily! I’ll be tackling the rest of the recipe shortly. I am hoping that the berries will be sweet and flavourful enough on their own (in powdered form). to carry the gummies.
It should work. Lol!

gummies are my fave edible 😃👍

Wow, thanks for the recipe, Im going to have to try this out some time! Glad to see its not full of crapwe arewhat we eat,LOL!!! LOVE GUMMIES & Blueberries, And your awesome post. Upped 100% and resteemed!👍🌱❤😋🍬

Hi @karenmckersie!!!
I do hope you can some time. You should have some great berry picking spots out west.
Good to chat and keep steeming!

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