Propagating Cannabis: Round Two, The DIY Cloning Rig

in #cannabis6 years ago (edited)

Two weeks ago I shared the process of taking cuttings from my (currently) growing crop of cannabis.


When you are successful at getting these cuttings to grow roots of their own, you’ll have an exact duplicate of the plants that the cuttings were taken from.


In cannabis propagation, the plants that you take your cuttings from are often referred to as Mothers and the cuttings (once rooted) are called Clones.

I attempted to root 36 cuttings (2 weeks ago) in a rock wool and soil combination.

In the photo (below) you can see what the cuttings looked like in their nursery as I tried to create the perfect conditions for them to grow roots.


After 2 weeks, I had successfully killed 2 thirds of them and was left with 12 stragglers.


Those 12 do have roots so, if any of them survive, they’ll be tough plants.

(That’s me being an optimistic gardener, in case you failed to notice.)

All Is Not Lost

Those of you who know me, will know that I usually have a contingency or back up plan wedged up my sleeve. Plan B involved @knarly327’s engineering skills.

(Plan B is usually @knarly327 and when I say “we” that really translates to him, thinking and doing while I extract the information out of his head, take photos and put words to the design of a prototype that we are more than happy to open source on Steemit’s blockchain.)

Let me show you, so you can see what I see.

We started with a 10 gallon rectangular plastic tote.


The dimensions of which are 25.05 in x 17.5 in x 7.73 in. (Or, for those in metric 63.62 cm x 44.45 cm x 19.63 cm)

We marked it at 20 litres (or 5.28 gallons) and filled it with water.


Then we added 4 (12 inch) bubblers that we purchased at a pet store. They are commonly used to aerate the water in fish aquariums.


You’ll also notice in the photo (above and below) that we’ve latched the lid (that came with the tote, by using the existing tote latching mechanisms) to the top of the tote.

We also cut the tote lid to produce a rectangular opening that fits a 50 count sprouting tray.


In the photo (above) you can see the bubblers in action. They are being supplied with air from a 7 watt aquarium air pump which is constantly running.


In the photo (above) you can see the black plastic sprouting tray. This one will hold 50 cuttings. We bought the tote, (sized) to accommodate this specific sprouting tray.

In effect you can make your own cloning rig to accommodate the number of cuttings that your garden will accommodate. ( You can use whatever size of sprouting tray you need. Smaller or larger.)

You’ll also notice (in the photo above) that holes were drilled into the lid. The size of the drill-bit used was just a little bit bigger than the vinyl tubing that is supplying air from the pump to each of the bubblers. The tubing was also purchased in the aquarium department of a pet store.


In the photo (above) you can see the underside of the plastic sprouting tray.

With the bubblers running there will be a constant supply of aerated water to the roots.


The last thing that we did was mark the lid with letters and numbers so that we could catalog each of cuttings. This let us record what strain of cannabis, each of the cuttings are.

Right now, we have manually recorded this information but I know that large scale growers could be successfully using the capabilities of a blockchain to keep track of their plant inventory.

All in all, this rig prototype cost just over $100 CAD to manufacture.

I welcome your comments and I invite you to follow me on my journey... I think failure is just another opportunity to change what you are doing. ;)

In my next post, I’ll demonstrate how we loaded this new Cloning Rig with its cuttings. (We made a few changes there, too.)


~ Rebecca
PS: Check out the Smoke Network


And your system is called deep water culture. I have done it before and it does produce some excellent results. I have a feeling that your next round of cloning is going to be a lot easier.

And I have found that using too much cloning gel actually inhibits rooting.

This is coming from a huge fan of cloning gels... Or was...

Thanks for adding this information to this thread @ganjafarmer! I did changed my rooting hormone too and switched to a powder form instead of using a gel. I did use a hell of a lot of gel and that I think was part of my poor performance with my last cloning attempt. Too wet and too much rooting gel.

Awesome! That would have cost you like $300 at a hydro shop! Did you transplant before roots popped?

No, I tried to root them first for 2 weeks. Only 12 of the original 36 produced any root structure so I think I was keeping them too wet. This time (among other changes) I'm not using any soil.
The pressures is on now @dajohns1420! I'm going to attempt to grow outside (as well) this season so that I can learn what differences there are with outdoor grows.

in Aceh indonesia, cannabis tree can grow almost 3 meters ,, and we can pick flowers more about 5 pounds ,,

That's awesome @hendrimirza! I'd love to see one of your almost 3 meter high, 5 pound producing cannabis trees. I'm going to try growing outside this season. We are just finishing our winter in Canada and we can grow cannabis (outside in the section where I live) from the end of May until the middle of October. All other months are way too cold and the plants will die.

Yes, but here must be planted quietly ,, because it is forbidden, if caught can be caught ,, hehe..

This can be seen link below

That is a tree! Thanks so much for showing me @hendrimirza

Yes, you are welcome

Haha, well having a plan B is always good, even if it's not entirely your own plan LOL!

Contingency planning by Rebecca

Plan C = Kush
Plan D = Haze
Plan E = Who cares? I forget...
Plan F = LOL!
Plan G = Lets eat
Yeah, can you believe they let me out? Me either @trendo. ;)

Nice, nice. Each plan better than the other!

Btw, just checked out

Is it going to be a Steem SMT? It looks really good.

I think so @trendo! I have been writing cannabis posts and submitting them to their airdrop so that I can establish my rep and stack some coin (in advance of their ico launch) in July.

Cool. I registered on the to check it out as well!

How much time it takes to get the final outcome @rebeccaryan ?

I expect about 2 weeks before I will see any substantial root structure @shoovoon. Thanks for asking that question, I forgot to include that detail in the article.

ya, its a great execution with little stuff oh hydro, success or failure could be determined after experiment result, but i know you will succeed in your mission for growing and cloning cannabis.

Thank you for sharing your confidence with me @sheikh27! ;)

Hi, @rebeccaryan maybe you have done a very good job after your marijuana / marijuana cuttings on this occasion, Did you know that in this country we can grow so much without having to cloned, but that is the rule in our country still Illegal for traded freely, It is done by our country is to keep its residents rather than addicted, but basically this plant is as a complementary ingredients for some kind of spice cuisine in our area, Salut untuk Anda @rebeccaryan
success always

Thank you for sharing that @helmibireuen! It appears that it will be legal in my country by the end of the year and I do think that it should be treated just like a spice. People should not have to go to jail.

Thanks for your atention @rebeccaryan, Iam From Aceh Indonesia

All is tasty & yammyyy but are divine..........

Dr. @jewelrana876 you must get some experience as well as motivation from her. Have a look.

good post friends.
How are you...??

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