In The 11th Hour

in #cannabis6 years ago (edited)


After the first flush, some of my plants decided to grow additional hair.

See What I See.

The yellow hairs are new growth.

The orange hairs are part of the mature plant.

I have been raising the lights, but we did have 2 hot days followed by cool temperatures just before I took this photo.

The garden is an indoor grow.

I suspect the extreme temperature and humidity fluctuations (outside) have caused this phenomenon.

I and 2 other Veteran growers who came to look at my garden had never seen this happen before.

These plants have been flushed twice and I am tempted to let them grow a week longer than I was originally planning on.

What do you think?

~ Rebecca

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Do you have something to see the trichomes close up? It can be a fine line when this happens to determine what you want to do. I see your leaf tips are starting to die off so its best not to let that spread too far into the buds. But if the trichomes are not yet milky then maybe you want to let it grow a bit longer to let those mature and get a bit more bud.

Yes I do @olafurthor! Thanks for commenting.
The tips are old damage from a nitrogen burn that happened earlier on in veg.
The trichomes are milky and I've got about 5% showing the question is do I let them go to see if I can capture more amber or not?....with foxtails present, I now understand that I am risking potency loss...

Hey Rebecca, can you specify what you mean by "flush"? Different growers call it different names. I don't flush at all, but I'd like to understand your method.

Sure @conradino! In the final stages of a grow, I stop using any nutrients in my water when I water my plants. I take a reading of the parts per million of the particulates in the water going in. I use a dissolved solids meter to measure this.
Then, I keep flushing water through the plants until the water draining out of each pot comes within 100 parts per million of the water that I originally went in.
This is done to remove fertilizers and nutrients before harvest.
Not everyone does this though... I do this because residues (fertilizers/nutrients) can be toxic especially if/ when the final product is lit on fire to be smoked or high heat is used in baking.
I'm using this plant as medicine and I need it to be as clean as it can be...not only that it directly affects the flavour too and I want my produce to be as good as my 2 hands can produce. LOL!

Ok I understand, you basically try to leach the nutrients by pouring bulk amounts of water into the soil. But do you know exactly which ones are running off? To my knowledge electrically neutral current of water will take the excess of anions (mostly nitrates and sulphur) and calcium and magnesium with it as these bind weaker to soil particles... and not much more really.

The problem is that plant needs everything till the end of flowering (including nitrogen, which is a building block for proteins) and that "flushing" has detrimental effect on microbial and fungal population in soil as it basically cuts off the supply of oxygen, thus promoting anaerobic bacteria.

Also while a lot of nitrates will be flushed, the first reaction of the root system to abundance of water will be their absorption as these are very mobile, which is why a boost in growth is often noticed... new leaves, news pistils etc.

I personally grow LOS/High Brix style, where "flushing" is never applied and produce is as delicate and tasty as it gets, but I always try to find out what is the reason for the growers to "flush" in soil.

This is a very interesting topic @conradino23. Thanks for starting the conversation! Hopefully more people will contribute to the discussion. Admittedly, I don’t know anything about the growing style that you have referenced but I will do some research so that I can learn. :)

Very nice product! Congratulations! I also prefer to keep them for longer period but this looks like a sure pick up :) Keep up the good work i love your cannabis posts!

Great work. Your all articles are very nice.

beautiful plant you got there great post 👍

Well, it looks beautiful, I'm not gonna lie. Probably because I love this these plants so much, hehe. I would be very tempted to harvest it at this point :P

I will Resteem this post now.
And revisit to comment later.

I don't think you have anything to worry about at all.
I know that most people want the potency.
The higher the better.
It is so interesting that you get to grow your own cannabis.
When I saw the bud. I got so excited. I had to Resteem it immediately.
There can be nothing more exciting to me than to see cannabis plants in the final stages before harvest.
Because so many people get so interested and want to see.
Plus, the subject of cannabis/marijuana plants and potency will be talked about for hours.
That is the pot world. Ha
That makes me get interested too. To find out why everyone is so excited. Ha
The syndrome of I am laughing because you are laughing. Ha ha
Thank you


grat post beautiful

Interesting and beautiful! I would probably give them more time too.

awesome gardening plan dear. great work

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