
Thanks dude, appreciate that 🙌
Just shot this out to Twitter too, keep up the good work man.

sandstormweb Sandstorm tweeted @ 02 Jul 2017 - 08:43 UTC

Cannabis Strain Journal #4 (Pink Lemonade) + Macro close-ups!
@steemit by @RDollaSign

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

I seriously appreciate this man, giving you my last 100% votes of the night before I recharge. PEACE BRO!

"I seriously appreciate this man, giving you my last 100% votes of the night before I recharge. PEACE BRO!"
i love seeing comments like this about ppl giving each other 100 percent votes, it will get non steemit users super interested in steemit, i just wish @jesta would fix the whole problem of ot showing any prices on any posts or comments! i dunno if its on purpose or what but @cryptoctopus should look into it with @jesta or or or im just being niive and i am not aware of them already having talked aboutt this IM GUESSINg its because it helps you not worry about money and u get to just have funnd use the forums and then when u wana check apost u can always go oen it on steemit.ccom and it is always a pleasent suprise to see what your chainbb posts get! #chainbb posts on #cannsteem are REALLy gonna help people joinsteemit tho @rdollarsign andhis comment are a great example of why! The reason WHY is becausepeople go "WHAT teh HELl is a 100 pecent upvote power vote!?! and they ggo look it up! an dthey go 'STEEM POWER WhAT???" and they woner HOW people get steempower and they learn you have to buy it! or earn it! and they get hungry for steempower when they se a canabi related post getting a thousand dollars! and so they get curiosteemit! they get rutsrated when they canjust singup and post instantly! i hope we can somehow get fll time employees tdoing the approval work! I hope this can be possible and @dan and @thejohalfiles and @rizion can maybe help me find out how we can use canasteem as a Marketing Laboratory to see how many Cannabis Instagram accounts we can poach XD imagine creating a custom little steemit image that shows like someones intagra post but as a steemit pst photoshopped with a $100 or $1000 price tag! like we make a fake screenhot :D to make someone on intagram think we posted their content and ade like $1000 off it! hahaha theyll rea out and get mad and want a cut of that mony hahaha we will then reeveal the photoshop document and prove it was afake but it got them thinking aobbout steemit!!!!

anyway @rdollarsign your comment RELALy made me have this amazing idea! because your comment is so ue to steemit! NOWHERE else do people talk about giving each other an upvote that actually matters! on reddit its like "Oh heres an upvote mate" and its liek "wow yeah thats lame so what?" here its liek WOW thanks for the 2 cents or 20 cents or $2 or $20 hah some people give $1000 upvotes ive seen them! an so we shouldnt forget how unique we are! people are gonna REAL get curious aboutthis place! we NEED the pruce of steem gto go up and the BEST way to ensure that is to get MILLIONS of new users onbaord!!!!!!

WE REALLy need the user base! we NEED the price of steem to go up to $10!!!!!! we need to give ALL our OG users basically finacial freedom to persue fll time steemitiing! lik me and my team! we need just a little more money to ensure a full 3 month peiod for 10 people to be onboarded, im talking professionl proven social media experts who just ned some money , people who post all day but arent making very much, i have like a dozen of them picke out, serious instagram and snapchat players and youtube and facebook mini celebs who arent akin enough mony an dont eeven KNOW about steemit!

i wana inbaord them with a paycheck and like a real job! i wt a criagslist ad up promoting a full time steemit job where i actialy pay someone to do these "WWhat you missed n reddit' posst where i just REPOST EVERTHINF on reddiit all day everyday as like steemit post that shw the entie front page of a subreddit with all the usernames and info all layed outs o its fair

the craigslist ad and other Indeed and linkd in and other Job posting adds will get me interviews with all sorts of people who might need some work but will seriously just do what i say all day, i can boss them aroound overthe pho have then write steemit posts...and they can post them all on their own steemit and i just need to get hard workers who have a proven track record many humans out there who dont know HOW to make money but theyare READY tow ork

and oooh i got soem work for them!

do u all reallzw many ideas I have??? I have so many ideas i cant even do them all!they get WASTED! i cant REEMVER them all and i dont eve havethe time to write em al down !

I need a personal assistnt!

i will pay someone money to work for me if anyone wants to [email protected] send me ur resume

Cheers man, thanks for that too! We're all in this thing together just trying to rise up, you know what I mean.

All day bruv, we are gunna get there just you see.

It won't happen overnight, but it'll happen. Later dude, have a great rest of the weekend! Enjoy that pink lemonade 😀

You as well bro! Work tomorrow, then pretty much 3rd and 4th off. ENJOY YOUR HOLIDAY!

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