in #cannabis7 years ago


I'd like to think my mind is open for anything, however, catching my son smoking cannabis when he was only 15yrs old quickly closed it! I was mortified, I don't know if it was because of his age, public perception or the worry that it may be a gateway drug. Mark, now 25, still a regular cannabis user, has spent the last 10 years trying to educate me about cannabis and it's benefits. I'm still not fully convinced but I have seen the benefits in his case, Mark has Aspergers Syndrome, he leads a pretty normal life but the tiniest things can cause him massive stress, cannabis certainly does chill him out and trust me that's great for the whole family :)

In December 2017, while out in Bulgaria, I was diagnosed with skin cancer, I returned to the UK, headed off to see friends in my favourite city, Chester. Our normal port of call, before having a good drink at the Irish club is a big Full English Breakfast (yum), the cafe owner and his staff do look after us :) I broke the news about my cancer to my friends while we were eating breakfast, as good a place as any I think, anyway the manageress overheard the conversation and started to tell us her husbands cancer story, she started by telling us that both her and her husband had been smoking cannabis for over 30 years, I was intrigued - this is the story of how Andy cured his cancer with cannabis and cannabis oil.


Andy had started to feel unwell back in 2013, he had lost weight, sweating like a pig, and drinking water like it was going out of fashion. One morning he noticed that he had a lump like swelling on his neck, it was time to visit his doctor. Over the next few weeks he had tests and was diagnosed with Lymphoma, blood cancer. He was offered chemotherapy but refused, he told the doctor he would be treating himself, his doctor was shocked but interested to see the results, if any. Andy and his wife were avid cannabis users, they smoked it daily and in quite large amounts, so I can gather, they also believed in alternative medicine so there was no way he was going to have chemotherapy!! Along with his normal cannabis use he started chewing cannabis twice a day and rubbing cannabis oil on his neck, the lump at this stage was a fair size. He also increased his plant growth. His doctor requested he came to the surgery on a monthly basis just to see how things were going and to make sure he wasn't getting any worse.

Andy and his doctor monitored his health, he had regular blood tests which showed that the cancer had slowed down over the last six months, the swelling on his neck had also reduced in size. He continued to chew cannabis twice a day and rub cannabis oil on his swelling, three months later the swelling on his neck had completely gone, three months after that he went for more tests, a week later he was sitting in a room with his mum, his wife, and his oncologist for the results, the oncologist turned the screen towards Andy, with a huge smile he declared Andy's cancer had completely gone!! So one year after starting self medication, Andy had done what most of us would think impossible!!


Obviously Andy's wife told me his story in brief over breakfast and I probably didn't get all the details. Since that moment I have been reading as much literature as I can and of course my son has done a fair bit of gloating. I probably won't have to go down this route because I don't need chemotherapy but if I did, I wouldn't hesitate to give it a go :)


great post, now i dont feel bad about smoking pot.

lol neither does my son, thanks for reading @darkerhorse

Another victory for our beloved healing plant.

Most definitely @fracasgrimm thanks for reading

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