Cannabis oil..Cancer Ulcers treated with Cannabis oil..There's Hope!

in #cannabis7 years ago (edited)

800px-Cannabis_sativa_Koehler_drawing.jpg Drawing sourced from wikipedia.

Hi all,,

I am so excited to be writing this post tonight!

My mother has been fighting IBC breast cancer for 4yrs already and when she was diagnosed the conventional Dr's said there would only be about 3months left in her life. WELL,, that's now 4yrs ago.

I am not saying it was easy all the time but damn my Mom is having a much better quality of life if compared to others with cancer who have gone through the conventional treatment plans of surgery,chemo, radiations etc.. Because the cancer was so advanced at the time of diagnoses we did decide that surgery was the best decision to give us a fair fight using Cannabis oil and diet changes afterwards. We all vote now and swear by it that if surgery wasn't done a LOT of her problems would not be facing us now.

All said and done. Roughly two months ago my mother developed cancer ulcers on her chest above the breast line "on the predominant cancer side" as we treat mostly ourselves at home using herbal and holistic remedies we naturally opted to do this for the ulcers too.

At first because the first ulcer that opened had a lot of puss and bad odour and in fact it just looked ANGRY! I started off by gently boiling the puss out with a hydrogen peroxide solution of 30% to be able to apply the cannabis directly onto the wound surface for better absorption. After cleansing and allowing the peroxide to dry off the wound, I apply cannabis oil directly onto the wound sites, then dress the wounds using double gauze swabs and tacking them onto the skin around the swabs using opsite strips and making sure that the wounds are still breathable under the swabs.

I change the dressings every 3rd day. after about 3 or 4 dressing changes I no longer needed to use peroxide and now we only re-apply the cannabis oil onto the wound sites and re-dress and repeat every 3 days.

In between the dressing changes my mother does not get the wounds wet at all! This is crucial to keep the wound sites clean, dry and medicated at all times for the 3day period. What I do for her is on the 3rd day she will shower with the dressings on but then I immediately remove them as she steps out the shower and then we don't waste time in getting the wounds re dressed with cannabis oil as soon as she is clothed again.

With the worst ulcer that was weeping puss and had infection in the beginning, cannabis oil has suppressed the ulcer from growing in size, it has grown a new skin layer over the wound site but this does open from time to time, but we are sure that it is as the cannabis is causing apoptosis inside the cancer cells and that this "opening" from time to time is simply as the body is shedding the dead cancer cells through the skin site. You see with the surgery being done they removed all the lymph nodes in the arms and upper chest area, resulting in mass lymph build ups now as the cannabis kills off cancers cells by the millions.

We are completely amazed at how fast cannabis oil has suppressed the ulcers and that it is honestly healing it. Even though the process is long it is still so positive! I have read that these kinds of cancer ulcers really only get worse and worse from the time that they open up, and continuously get infected followed by extreme odours. In this case, there is no bad smells at all. It disappeared after the first week of applying the cannabis directly onto the wound surface. The circumference is getting smaller instead of bigger and there are now signs of healing all thanks to cannabis!



You are an amazing daughter. So much love to all of you.

Great article. Here in germany they fight canabis like its crack or cocaine. Really.

Same this side, but when you or a loved one close to you is busy dying from this disease things like the legislation there of becomes null in void in my opinion. All that truly matters is saving that persons life and also giving them the best quality of life possible during treatment.

I currently have her almost completely just reliant on cannabis oil for pain etc.. instead of morphine. We only have one more drug left that she needs and that is a neuropathic brain pain blocker.

May you have a fantastic day! @kranoras

I hope you too, all the best!

A situation like this is really hard and i can understand that many things dont count anymore. Everything will be good, one way or another, i'm sure.

I have followed you now, then I can follow your posts too!

thank you! didn't realize you are still checking out my posts :-D
Have a fantastic evening xx

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