Cannabis Cures Breast Cancer (2019 update)

in #cannabis5 years ago

Hold onto your tits, here's proof that cannabis cures breast cancer!

A few years ago, @Drutter and I made Power to the Patients Episode 4: Cannabis Cures Breast Cancer. Since October is breast cancer awareness month, we updated the video with some new research, so take a look!


Studies published since then are a goldmine of information, especially this study below: South African researchers studied the effects of gold in combination with cannabidiol (CBD) to treat breast cancer!



CBD has also been extensively studied in breast cancer, but even when CBD is promising, full-spectrum oil high in CBD, rather than a "pure" isolate, proves time and time again to be the best cancer remedy.



If that doesn't perk you up, here's an updated list of the best cannabis for breast cancer studies published within the last few years with links and full citations.

  1. de Almeida AS, et al (2019). "Characterization of Cancer-Induced Nociception in a Murine Model of Breast Carcinoma". Cellular & Molecular Neurobiology. Vol 39(5). Pp. 605-617. doi:

  2. Blasco-Benito S, Guzmán M, Sánchez C, et al (2018). "Appraising the "entourage effect": Antitumor action of a pure cannabinoid versus a botanical drug preparation in preclinical models of breast cancer". Biochemical
    Pharmacology. 157, pp. 285-293. doi: 10.1016/j.bcp.2018.06.025.

  3. Blasco-Benito S, Guzmán M, Sánchez C, et al (2019)."Therapeutic targeting of
    HER2-CB(2)R heteromers in HER2-positive breast cancer"
    . Proclamation of the National Academy of Science, U S A. Vol 116(9). Pp. 3863-3872. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1815034116. Epub 2019 Feb 7.
    Erratum in: 116(13). Pp. 6505.

  4. Elbaz M et al (2017). "Novel role of cannabinoid receptor 2 in inhibiting EGF/EGFR and IGF-I/IGF-IR pathways in breast cancer". Oncotarget. Vol 8(18). Pp. 29668-29678. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.9408.

  5. Fraguas-Sánchez AI et al (2016). "Phyto-, endo-and synthetic cannabinoids: promising chemotherapeutic agents in the treatment of breast and prostate carcinomas". Expert Opin Investig Drugs. Vol 25(11). Pp. 1311-1323.

  6. Franks LN et al (2016). "Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators: Cannabinoid Receptor Inverse Agonists with Differential CB1 and CB2 Selectivity." Front Pharmacol. Vol 7. Pg. 503. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2016.00503.

  7. Hirao-Suzuki M et al (2018). "Delta9-Tetrahydrocannabinol upregulates fatty acid 2-hydroxylase (FA2H) via PPARa induction: A possible evidence for the cancellation of PPARß/d-mediated inhibition of PPARa in MDA-MB-231 cells". Archives of Biochemical Biophysics. Vol 662. Pp. 219-225. doi: 10.1016/

  8. Kenyon J, et al (2018). "Report of Objective Clinical Responses of Cancer Patients to Pharmaceutical-grade Synthetic Cannabidiol". Anticancer Research. Vol 38(10). Pp. 5831-5835. doi: 10.21873/anticanres.12924.

  9. Kisková T, et al (2019). "Future Aspects for Cannabinoids in Breast Cancer Therapy". International Journal of Molecular Science. Vol 20(7). pii: E1673. doi: 10.3390/ijms20071673.

  10. Mohammadpour F et al (2017). "Anti-invasion Effects of Cannabinoids Agonist and Antagonist on Human Breast Cancer Stem Cells". Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. Vol 16(4). Pp. 1479-1486.

  11. Mokoena D, et al (2019). "Enhancing Breast Cancer Treatment Using a Combination of Cannabidiol and Gold Nanoparticles for Photodynamic Therapy". International Journal of Molecular Science. Vol 20(19). pii: E4771. doi: 10.3390/ijms20194771.

  12. Pellati F, et al (2018). "Cannabis sativa L. and Nonpsychoactive Cannabinoids: Their Chemistry and Role against Oxidative Stress, Inflammation, and Cancer". Biomedical Research Int. Pp. 1691428. doi: 10.1155/2018/1691428.

  13. Rahman S, et al (2019). "The onus of cannabinoids in interrupting the molecular odyssey of breast cancer: A critical perspective on UPR(ER) and beyond". Saudi Pharm Journal. Vol 27(3). Pp. 437-445. doi:

  14. Sultan AS, et al (2018). "Novel mechanism of cannabidiol-induced apoptosis in breast cancer cell lines". Breast. Vol 41. Pp. 34-41. doi:10.1016/j.breast.2018.06.009.

  15. Suzuki M et al (2017). "Cannabidiolic Acid-Mediated Interference with AP-1 Transcriptional Activity in MDA-MB-231 Breast Cancer Cells". Natural Production Communications. Vol 12(5). Pp. 759-761.

  16. Takeda S, et al (2017). "Cannabidiolic acid-mediated selective down-regulation of c-fos in highly aggressive breast cancer MDA-MB-231 cells: possible involvement of its down-regulation in the abrogation of aggressiveness". Journal of Natural Medicine. Vol 71(1). Pp. 286-291. doi: 10.1007/s11418-016-1030-0.

  17. Zhang J, Zhang S, et al (2018). "Combined CB2 receptor agonist and photodynamic therapy synergistically inhibit tumor growth in triple negative breast cancer". Photodiagnosis Photodynamic Therapy. Vol. 24. Pp. 185-191. doi: 10.1016/j.pdpdt.2018.09.006.

fuck your pink ribbons we got cannabis.JPG


This is our favourite Power to the Patients video, our favourite Cannabis Cures Cancer video, and probably just our all-time favourite @Drutter and @MediKatie collaboration!

I didn't want to be a boob, so I resteemed this post...
oops not a very funny pun. (not enough punny fun.)

MediKatie, this is a perfect addition to the main video (!
And that ribbon is great. We should all wear one for October!

I've linked to this post from mine here. Anyone wanting to see this material in video form should check it out! (11mins)

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