CBD Oil: How Much is Enough? Your Guide to CBD Oil Strength

in #cannabis6 years ago (edited)


If you have decided that the cocktail of medication you’re talking to alleviate your symptoms is no longer working, and believe CBD could be the answer, welcome to the revolution! There is an increasing number of studies which not only show the efficacy of cannabidiol as a medical treatment but also that it causes no negative side effects. Tens of thousands of Americans are throwing away their Big Pharma pills in lieu of CBD, and most of them wonder why they didn’t make the switch earlier.

The main issue with CBD is trying to figure out the right dosage. The available studies were conducted on patients with different medical conditions. As a result, the dosage that works on epilepsy may not be enough for chronic pain and vice versa. As CBD is relatively new, few people have any idea how much is enough for their specific needs.

While this guide won’t serve as an all-encompassing cheat sheet on how much CBD to take for each specific condition, it will attempt to give you a ‘ballpark’ figure and take some of the trial and error out of proceedings.

Types of CBD Products & Their Concentrations

There are several products on the market but to simplify matters, here are three of the most common CBD forms.

CDB Oils/Tinctures


As the name suggests, this form of CBD comes in oil or tincture form and you can either place it beneath your tongue, vape it, or add it to food or drink. CBD oil absorbs quickly and is an ideal way to measure your intake. The concentration varies according to the brand. For example, in Pure Kana’s strongest CBD Oil option, there is up to 25mg of CBD per ml.

CBD Capsules


This is probably the easiest way to consume CBD as each capsule contains a pre-measured dosage. It is normal for a capsule to contain 25mg but there are some brands with 35+mg.

CBD Concentrate


This normally comes in balm form which means you rub it on your skin. However, there is also shatter, dab and brittle versions. This option is typically ultra-potent at 99% CBD, but it lacks the additional cannabinoids and terpenes usually found in CBD oil.

Potency – Low, Medium & High

Perhaps the simplest way to look at CBD concentration is to divide it into low, medium and high potency.

Low Potency (1 – 20mg a day)

This is the best place for beginners because it allows you to test CBD and determine if there are any negative side effects. There is a ton of CBD oils on the market with less than 10mg per ml, so if you take half of a milliliter dropper, you get 5mg a day. This is very much the experimental phase and is a low-cost way to find out if CBD is for you.

Medium Potency (21 – 99mg a day)

The majority of CBD capsules fall within this range and could be the best option if you don’t like the taste of oil and know your body reacts well to the cannabinoid. Medium potency is a realistic option for patients in need of chronic pain relief. At this stage, you can use CBD with your pain meds and gradually try to wean off the prescription drugs once you feel the power of the cannabidiol taking hold.

High Potency (100+ mg a day)

You need to be an experienced user to fall within this range. It is the typical dosage of anyone who wants to dispense with their medication completely and suffers from chronic pain, an anxiety disorder or insomnia. You may also need to use this much CBD if you are receiving chemotherapy.
If you want over 100mg of CBD a day, you’ll have to look at a brand’s most potent products. For example, Pure Kana’s strongest CBD oil offers about 25mg a dose so you’ll need four or more doses of oil a day.

How much CBD is enough?


Try to obey the ‘less is more’ mantra to begin with. CBD isn’t cheap so your goal should be to find the ‘minimum effective dose.’ From there, keep upping the dosage until you no longer experience any additional benefits. As a rule of thumb, begin with 3-5 mg a day if you have anxiety, pain or inflammation issues. If you have a serious medical condition, it makes sense, to begin with 20mg a day and increase rapidly if necessary.

The following is a guideline for daily dosages depending on your medical condition. Please, note the gap between the minimum and maximum recommendation is deliberately large, and we advise you to start with the low end of the spectrum first.

  • Epilepsy: 200 - 300mg
  • Sleep Disorders: 40 - 160mg
  • Glaucoma: 20 - 40mg
  • Chronic Pain: 2.5 - 20mg
  • Schizophrenia: 40 - 1,000mg
  • General Health: 2.5 - 15mg

Final Thoughts

Always look for the reputable brands we feature on the site. We only recommend CBD sellers that utilize supercritical CO2 extraction as this provides the purest and most potent CBD oil. We also believe you should focus on full-spectrum CBD products as the additional terpenes and cannabinoids improve the efficacy.

You will notice that practically every CBD seller extracts the cannabidiol from industrial hemp. Unlike cannabis, hemp is not a Schedule I substance, so it is not restricted. Even so, CBD is only legal for medicinal use in 46 states at the time of writing so make sure you keep up to date with your state’s laws regarding CBD.

Above all, steer clear of CBD products that also contain over 0.3% THC because once you exceed that limit, you’re in ‘illegal’ territory. Although scientists have long suspected that CBD is an outstanding medicinal treatment, they have only recently been able to conduct enough tests to prove their hypothesis. Even so, CBD is not approved by the FDA which means products made from the substance carry a disclaimer. If you have chronic pain, anxiety, depression, PTSD or one of dozens of other conditions, and are sick of useless drugs, give CBD a try; you won’t regret it.



Very much needed info... I actually made my own CBD-infused olive oil for my back pain. As I couldn't test it I had to figure out the dose for myself, but it didn't take long :) Resteemed!

Appreciate it! :) How did you make your own CBD olive oil?

It was quite simple really, but I'd have to write a step-by-step post to explain it properly. Thx for the idea BTW :)

This dosage breakdown is great. CBD tincture is something I've been using for a while and trying to find the right dosage was a trial and error process until I found would work for me.

A very nice and detailed report. Top thumbs up

Thanks! More details in a new post coming soon enough. :)

This post has received a 2.54 % upvote from @boomerang.

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