Hemp & Cannabis What's The Difference?

in #cannabis8 years ago (edited)

Hemp Or Cannabis?

A lot of times when people are talking about hemp there thinking about Cannabis But smoking hemp doesn't make you high. It don't contain for example t.h.c.
Which is a psychoactive compound what makes you "high" But there are at least 483 unknown compounds in cannabis which including 65 others cannabinoids. For example the C.B.D. is known for the muscle relaxation effect. Or as stoners would say the " Couch lock" effect.

But this is not the case with hemp. It contain that less active compounds. You need to smoke a whole Forrest to get high. And you probably all ready be dead, because of the pollution in your lungs. It's so sad that by demonize cannabis. People became totally blind when it comes to the advantages of Industrial Hemp Because Industrial Hemp can solve a lot of nature problems. Funny thing is human kind used it already for thousands of years.
If you Dutch: Did you know Canvas material is made of hemp? Canvas is often use for painting on.

So what is hemp?

Like I said above hemp doesn't contain the active compounds that's needed to get "high" Let's take a look in Wikipedia:

Hemp or industrial hemp (from Old English hænep), typically found in the northern hemisphere, is a variety of the Cannabis sativa plant species that is grown specifically for the industrial uses of its derived products. It is one of the fastest growing plants and was one of the first plants to be spun into usable fiber 10,000 years ago. It can be refined into a variety of commercial items including paper, textiles, clothing, biodegradable plastics, paint, insulation, biofuel, food, and animal feed.

Hemp Field

The typical Hemp plants will grow longer but smaller as a Cannabis plant. They do have the same leafs. If you are familiar with Cannabis plants you will notice they look like Male canna plants. (Male plants also doesn't contain the active compounds to get high) For a far as I know in The Netherlands you have to be licenced to grow Hemp. There was once a raid in The Netherlands, the police thought it were cannabis plants turned out to be it were 100 % legal Hemp plants. When the cops found out the half was all ready destroyed.

Advantages of using and growing Hemp

  • Hemp grows with out chemical additives, there for you need no pesticides.

  • It grows super fast in a 100 days it can grow 3 meters.

  • Phytoremediation: This is exactly what Mother earth needs, to keep it simple. Growing hemp will improve your "garden" Hemp plants "clean" the soil/air she lives in. Heavy metals and poisons for other plants, Hemp can take care of. It's even used
    to clean Tjernobyl poluted ground.

  • Hemp can grow anywhere, In Afrika, Europa etc..

  • Hemp is also interesting for combating climate change. The plant has more than four times as much CO2 from the atmosphere as most trees.

  • Check out this Hempcrete house

Why is Hemp not widespread?

If Hemp is great product for the environment why it it's not massively wide spread a cross the globe. It's probably more grown then we know about. They just don't show it on the news that much. For example here is a huge hemp field in China. It's pretty normal there. But how is became illegal? It has much to do with the cotton industrie. Once again cash rules... This video explains it prettty well.

Peace n Bless


Info Source

Image Source: 1, 2, 3, 4


What made cannabis hemp so important was the fact that the shipping industry, and world exploration in general, could not have happened without canvas (cannabis) sails and oakum (old hemp rope fibers) stuffed between the planks with tar. Everywhere in the world the English sailed they created colonies to mind the cannabis plantations so that shipping could continue with fresh sails and waterproofing.
Indeed, the cannabis industry was oppressive since it was labor-intensive, employing/enslaving mostly the poorest and disadvantaged. Modern machines can now process cannabis hemp without all the suffering.

Industrial hemp was common here in Italy also, fortunately now it's slowly coming back. It's also used to clean soil near Taranto from nickel, lead, etc.

Thanks for stopping by. Nice info, yes its a god given holy super crop:) Let's hope it's gonna be all over the world. Que sera Que Sera. Peace

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