Recreational Cannabis is Legal in Canada: things to know

in #cannabis6 years ago (edited)

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Today marked an interesting moment in Canadian history as Cannabis became legal for recreational use in the country.

Though there has been a lot of talk about the legalization of cannabis in the country for some time now there is still a lot of uncertainty regarding the laws that surround its use.

The following is a list of a few of the things to consider regarding the recreational use of cannabis in Canada.

  1. The rules for buying cannabis such as purchase age, location of sale and location of use tend to vary from province to province. However, most regions are treating it in much the same way as they are alcohol consumption.

  2. Many provinces are only permitting online sales of cannabis from government run websites. In Ontario this rule will remain in effect until April 1, 2019 at which point businesses will be able to sell their products from shops and brick and mortar establishments. Interestingly, many illegal marijuana distribution sites that have been operating for the past few years in Ontario are actually being forced to close down until the April deadline.

  3. Adults are allowed to grow up to four plants in their home. However, they are not permitted to sell what they grow to others. Individuals and companies need proper licensing to sell cannabis to the public.

  4. Adults are allowed to carry 30 grams of cannabis while out in public or keep 100 grams in their homes.

  5. Cannabis and related products are still illegal to bring across the border. This goes in both ways - from Canada to the United States as well as from the united States into Canada.

  6. Though at this moment it is not easy for police to detect if a person has used or consumed cannabis, driving under its influence is still illegal, much like alcohol. However, blood samples can be taken to detect cannabis in individuals and I have heard that they are also currently developing mouth swab technology to detect cannabis related molecules in saliva. I personally do not know how far along they are in the process of developing such technology.

  7. Many Canadian's currently incarcerated for minor marijuana possession charges will be pardoned.

  8. Edibles remain illegal. It seems that government officials are still working out the rules and regulations regarding edible marijuana products. Though there is no official deadline for when these products will become legal, some sources speculate that it will be within the next year.

  9. According to the government of Canada's Cannabis Act, companies are prohibited from marketing to youth. That includes tailoring products and packaging to youth or selling cannabis products in vending machines.

If you would like more information on the subject
please check out the government of Canada website below.

Cannabis in Canada


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