Why Do You Smoke Weed?

in #cannabis6 years ago (edited)

(Sorry if you're reading this, mom) When I was in the later years of high school, I used to yearn for 2:15 to roll around so I could rush home after school and smoke up before my mom got home. The hours between 3 and 5 PM on weekdays became my personal playtime; my little escape to be silly and get really into creating art and being myself with myself. I spent this time drawing, recording tunes, dancing to my favorite tunes, spending time outside with my dog, coding HTML, and indulging in other various interests. In my opinion, having this time was incredibly mentally healthy for me, as I learned a lot about what I truly enjoy and want to do with the rest of my life, and I had this perfect space to think, work, and grow by myself.


Some people might say: 'Well you can do all of that without the pot!'

I know that.

But when I started smoking weed regularly, I started to notice a couple of things. I found that I was getting focused on tasks in a whole new, weird way. I'd smoke a joint and mow the lawn or clean my room (or do my homework, for that matter) with a new cannabis-infused vigor. Music and photography became a new dimension that I would pop into and work on for hours on end without even noticing. Something about smoking weed gave me that flow, that depth.

Since then, I smoke regularly to help with creativity and productivity. Smoking a little bit in the morning with the addition of a cup of coffee (maybe 2 or 3, who's counting?) makes for a perfectly energized and productive beginning to the day. I find that I work and play most enthusiastically in this setting.

Why do you smoke pot? Leave a comment! <3

P.S.: What do you think of my new footer?


Can't agree more, god bless the weed

A wise man once wrote: "Give us this day our daily weed"

I first smoked the herb in the summer of 1968, when I was 15 years old. At the time, it was just young adventure, a bag of ratty stems and leaves that some college dude sold the naive high school kid. We got high, wandered around the house a little bit, looked at ourselves in the mirror, laughed a lot and ... woke up later on the floor. But then, I got the hang up it.

I kept smoking on the weekends, etc, and eventually started doing the daily attitude adjustment hour after work with a few hits of pot. A couple before supper, a few for dessert, and a steady diet for the rest of the evening. Booze never worked for me - made me cynical and ornery and generally not happy.

Somewhere along the way, I realized that I was a PTSD victim, and I had adopted cannabis as a way of matching my bruised mind to daily reality. I always had my own business, so I could work with a buzz if I liked, and I would often catch a wake and bake to greet the day. Now that I'm retired with fewer responsibilities I just stay stoned.

So the answer is that I smoke because I want to, and because it doesn't affect the lives of people I'm responsible to. I smoke because I led a periodically traumatic life and I found that it helped me to face what I had to face. Like coffee, it's now a part of my daily routine, and much easier on the metabolism, I might add.

I smoke to keep the demons at bay, and to be a better person to others. Along the way, I've become wiser and more at peace because of it.

Peace to you.

Beautifully articulated. I love your archetypal story of being a youngster trying pot for the first time :D If the shoe fits, wear it right? Thanks for this reply, and happy toking!

I sort of kid around with people that I was "born stoned."

I dabbled a bit as a teenager and in college — mostly related to parties, "because it was there" and "because everyone else did."

I guess we all have different body chemistry; weed tends to put me to sleep, so I really just use it if I'm having a hard time sleeping. But I have the "inattentive" version of ADHD, which means a lot of chemicals have exactly the OPPOSITE effect on me that they have on most people. Coffee puts me to sleep, for example...

My favorite smell of all is good skunk bud. I don't know why but I love it, even though I no longer partake.
Is the footer you and a grandchild? It's a great picture.

I feel you there! It would be great incense if it weren't so expensive :P And close guess on the photo, that's actually my grandfather holding me as a child! Thanks for the reply man

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