
We need everything. The ladies started out on a custom veg formula but when the farm went down, all the nutes were lost too. Well, maybe they're still there but I can't get a truck up there to get them back down. I had a bit of compost tea for the first few weeks but I was scared to switch the feed up too quickly. They've been stressed enough. I actually dont know what to feed them once we flip now, since all our nutes at the farm were prepared offsite and made specifically for our microclimate. I could recognize a problem and knew what to give it to fix it when I knew exactly what it was being fed and at what concentrate. One teen got nutrient lock out from all the moving and stress and change so now we've just been giving them water to make sure whatever fucked up the teen doesnt happen to the moms. This is the problem with learning how to grow with all the high tech gear and gadgets. I'm lost without my dosatron!

Yeah I experienced lock out in my past runs and discovered it was the brand of fertilizer i was using. Now I just add 4ml of cal/mag per gallon of RO water. It’s working great! I would like to start making my own tea though. Going to see how the final product turns out. Micro climate? How far are you from the coast?

We were in a little valley, protected by mountains :D It was a really really perfect location, actually.

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