Cannabis Legalization Is Still Cannabis Criminalization

in #cannabis6 years ago (edited)

This is sort of a quick follow-up to my last post, as comments and further thinking have led me to bring up the important facts I failed to mention, but which need to be addressed and understood. I highly encourage you to follow the links if you are unfamiliar with any of the terms in this post.

Photo: Jay Anarchon

We're Still Not Free

One thing many overlook when thinking about the cannabis legalization issue is the fact that with "legalization" comes regulation and whole new set of laws, boundaries, taxes, tariffs and control of the industry from both ends. While "legalization" may appear as an increase in freedom, the cannabis culture is now caught between the thumb and index finger of the criminal Canadian government. The pincer strategy is a classic military maneuver. Let's evaluate how this is being implemented, both physically and economically.

The Legal System

I will get into a brief break-down of the general meanings of some words used within the legal system to get your gears going. Further research into the etymology of legal terms is recommended as I will just be laying a brief foundation for my following statements.

In Canada, the fact that the legal system is about dollars and cents evades some. It is not as apparent as in nations such as The U.S, where prisons are actually a privately run-for-profit business in some states. Although this type of incarceration is heavily debated, even within the areas implementing it, many do not realize this is the case with ALL JUSTICE SYSTEMS. The justice system works hand in hand with the monetary system to imprison and enslave us.

Court Terminology

  • Court: An area with boundaries within which a game is played; basketball court, tennis court
  • Judge: See: referee. Notice the uniforms are the same colors.
  • Charge: Just as your bank account can be debited or charged, so may you be.
  • Debt: As with your credit card, after the account has been "charged" you must pay the "debt"; The man was found guilty of the charge and must pay his debt to society

Without glorifying it; court is the process where two teams (defendant vs. prosecution or plaintiff) square off to see who will win the match. The judge is the referee and the prize is always in the form of currency. Once the charge has been laid, the debt must be paid, either with time or money. How many have heard the saying "time is money"?

The Pincer


The court system is a balance sheet

You can now understand that with all the legislation that comes with "legalization" the government (in their minds) maintains the right to fine and even imprison Canadians under the new "laws". As far as the legal system is concerned, they will still be processing DUI's, over-limit fines, trafficking charges etc. They may be under different names but the charges on the balance sheet will keep rolling in and balancing with the fruits of our labors. I would bet that court related revenue is higher in a regulated industry than an unregulated industry. In other words, I think they stand to profit even more in the courts from legalization.

Of course the government will now also be in control of cost, production and distribution. Instead of only being able to control and profit off of one side of an industry they now control and profit off of both sides of the industry. Effectively trapping the supporting consumer between the pincers. Either way, and sometimes both ways, they've got you now. Imagine getting fined or arrested for having too much "legal" cannabis?

Although fines are most likely, we're still under law with the same possibilities as pre-"legalization", but now we're free to pay more and get taxed? Sounds amazing!

Over-Grow The Government!

Photo: Jay Anarchon

I will close with again stating that we need to boycott this criminal overtaking of the Canadian cannabis industry. Grow your own, don't pay taxes, don't consume poison, don't support organized crime! Producing things yourself is an amazing way to increase personal freedom. Let's use this situation to increase freedom instead of relinquishing control. Remember - this doesn't just apply to cannabis. Over-Grow the Government!

I hope you have all taken something away from this post! Feel free to check out my blog @jayanarchon for many more freedom, health and cannabis related posts! Please note: non-capitalization of the word government is always intentional.

Peace Everyone


100% upvote and also Resteemed. An excellent writeup that doesn't seem to leave anything out. Well-advanced points of view and plenty of knowledge dropped. Thank you!

Thanks for the Resteem ;) upvoted!!

No, sorry... and I don't really understand it, either!

If you have a comment or post that is too small to pay out they will upvote it. You pay them 1sbd and they give you 2dollars woth of upvotes.

Oh, thanks for the info :)
I stay away from anything that's similar to buying upvotes. I appreciate the concept behind it though, and can appreciate it being a good deal and quite useful.

Thanks for the positive feedback @drutter!

It is important to note the various interlocution of powers arrayed against free people. It has sadly become cliche that imposition of power is effected through seemingly unrelated vehicles. When my homeschooling my sons was not preventable through direct means, other mechanisms were brought to bear on me.

Critical to liberty is a holistic approach to force, both physical violence and economic rapine. I am glad to see you have peered behind the veil of 'legalization' to see the hidden hand of that rapine being poised to slap extractive fees and expense on our lawful exercise of our sovereign rights and powers.

Keep the faith, and discretion. It is sometimes the latter that makes the former possible.


Thanks for positive feedback and great comment!

A holistic defense is necessary against a holistic attack! Lack of pattern recognition and the ability to collate information to form associations is prevalent in society.

Probably the most important aspect of this issue to recognize is the fact that this is the same tactic used to manipulate and control every industry.

Editing posted posts is where it's at! ;)

Good looking... also thanks for leading me to discover that you can edit posted posts! I had no idea this was the case before today...


No probs. And I believe you get that ability until the 7 day payout period is up, as I've edited posts over 6 days old before, but on any of my posts more than a week the option disappears.
Steemit is kinda mysterious. You have to slowly uncover the rules of the game, as you play it. They aren't all listed up front, and nobody seems to know all of them. They're passed from member to member and partially listed in helpful posts, but essentially we're just all trying to figure this shit out on the fly :P

Yeah for sure... thanks again!

Aint that the truth.

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