Yield More! #CannabisGrowers

in #cannabis7 years ago

This is an amazing hour long video produced by MonsterGardens.com (a company I highly endorse)

If your serious about achieving more yield in your garden, this is a must watch video. It discusses all the factors that go into yield and how important are they really?

From my personal experience the most damaged crops I've had to deal with were mold and light leaks. The mold was certainly worse and scary removing understanding how easily it can spread to healthy areas and other plants. The light leak incident was in a green house partially was due to harvest being around summer solstice (not my idea). The blackout setup I was given was pedestrian for the operation being ran. Just being inside after shutting down for the dark cycle, I could see everything still. I really don't think the plants got much sleep during the entire flower phase.

So sit back and be on the road to making Quality=Quantity


Massive buds!!! I'll watch the vid, thx.

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