The First Casualty Of War Is Truth & The War On Drugs Is No Different

in #cannabis6 years ago

This video was created to present the context for the launch of The Honest Drug Book.

In 1971 Richard Milhous Nixon launched an onslaught which was to claim the lives and liberty of millions of people, and which was endorsed and re-enforced by successive US administrations. The war on drugs demonstrably and conclusively exacerbated the original problems, yet the destructive and clearly inhumane policies not only continued, but were periodically strengthened and renewed. Logic and reason were never allowed to interfere with the dominance of political dogma, and increasingly, with corporate interests.

An integral part of this situation was and is propaganda. Truth is the first casualty of war and the war on drugs is no different. In the face of an avalanche of stigmatisation and misinformation, science and factual data was buried, along with essential safety information.

This remains the picture to this day.

It is within this context that The Honest Drug Book was launched. This presents the uncensored facts: the vital information which will directly help users to mitigate risk. It provides legal briefings, relative harm tables, addiction & overdose advice, and a wealth of related material. For 140 individual drugs it presents onset data, dosage thresholds, duration estimates, trip and experience reports, and drug specific context and observations.

Prohibition kills, education saves lives. This book seeks to educate and inform, outside the stilted and damaging narrative of the war on drugs.

The Honest Drug Book

▶️ DTube

I am a medical marijuana patient as well as historic activist and caregiver as well as grower.

I have seen first-hand the capabilities of a simple plant at being able to heal the sick.

Education saves lives!

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