Why do not I believe mass media about cannabis

in #cannabis7 years ago (edited)

Hey there.

My name is Maksym and I live in country where cannabis is decriminalised but still illegal.
And this is the story about how cannabis helped my friend.

When I was a teenager and used to smoke weed, one boy joined our crew.
He had an extra weight and was sick with asthma, used inhalator 2-3 times a day.
So at the beggining we did not let him smoke with us, couse
we were thought it can be dangerous for him.
He saw how high we are and everytime asked for smoking, but the answer was the same.

Once he broght some MJ to us and told that he does not want to live the way he do, and wanna try it on his own risk.
So he attended our MJ smokers unity.

And in a couple of mounth he brought us a pipe made from inhalator)
I asked him about his health, I was interested, how is he going after he started smoking MJ.
And he told me that he do not need inhalator any more. He lost weight and looked rather healthy then before.

From that time I do not belive what is told about cannabis on mass media. I think it's a big pharma conspiracy.
And I noticed that since I started using MJ I became more resistable to diseases.

Do you have any possitive expirience of using cannabis in the way of healing? Please tell abot it in comments.
Peace and love to your home!Фото-19.png

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